Page 9 of The Heart Stealer

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My breakup with Theo was no ordinary argument.

It was vicious.

And I have the bruises to prove it.

They pepper my body like blobs of paint. Running my hand down my rib cage, I turn and wince, eyeing my mottled skin and the graze along my hip. My swallow is thick and painful in my aching throat as that awful night comes crashing back over me with a clarity that’s brutal…

Before I even opened the door, I knew Theo had his friends over. Their voices carried all the way to the driveway, where I’d just parked my car after a double shift at the grocery store. The last thing I felt like facing was a room full of obnoxious, drunken men. He didn’t even tell me they were coming.

But it was his house, right?

I helped pay rent and all the bills, but his name was the one on the lease.

So he could do whatever he liked.

I grabbed the bag of essentials I’d picked up at the store before leaving, and braced myself for a long night. My plan was to go hide in my room, try to watch a movie on my laptop or something. But their voices would carry.

Ugh. I’d get minimal sleep, and I had an early shift tomorrow.

Working two jobs and taking on these extra shifts was all for a good cause. I had to remind myself of that. Theo and I were saving for a trip to Hawaii, but I felt like I was working constantly, and coming home to a house full of Theo’s friends was the last thing I needed.

With a heavy sigh, I opened the door and spotted the guys at the round kitchen table. Five of them, all with beers and cigars, playing a rowdy game of poker.

“Hey, Rach,” Theo said around his cigar, which he knew I hated. The smell always turned my stomach.

But I forced a smile and went over to peck his lips. He grabbed my ass with his spare hand, and his friends all laughed.

Usually I wouldn’t mind a little tap on the tush, but not when everybody was watching.

I eased away from him, unloading the groceries into the fridge and looking for the plate of leftovers I’d covered for my dinner. It was gone. I glanced over my shoulder and saw the remains by the sink. It couldn’t have been Theo who ate it—he doesn’t like my pad Thai, which meant one of his friends scarfed it down and nobody stopped him.

My belly rumbled with hunger, and it was hard not to slam the fridge shut. The bottles inside rattled, and a couple heads turned my way.

The brothers, Matt and Max, glanced at me. I forced a polite smile and felt my skin crawl when a smirk rose on Matt’s face. I seriously didn’t get why Theo considered that douche his best friend. He was a slimy creep, especially when he was wasted.

“Can you get us a drink, cutie?” he drawled, and I glared at him, hating the way he’d labeled me. It started a few weeks back when I was bending over to pick something up, and he wolf-whistled and told me I had a cute booty.

From my boyfriend, I would have taken it as a compliment.

From his creepy buddy… it made my skin crawl.

Everything about the guy made my skin crawl.

“Actually, I’m just off to take a shower,” I muttered, walking away from the fridge. “I have just worked a double shift.” I couldn’t help that last quip, throwing a pointed look at Theo, who wasn’t even looking at me. Dammit.

I went to move past the table, but Matt shot out of his chair, blocking my path.

“It’s just one drink. You’re closer to the fridge than I am.”

“I’m not your maid, Matt. You can get your own drink.” Crossing my arms, I tried to stand up for myself, wishing Theo would do it for me. Couldn’t he feel the change in energy around us? Couldn’t he sense the dark vibe that washed through the room the second Matt stood from his seat?

Matt inched closer, his sour breath making my stomach pinch as he leaned forward and whispered against my cheek, “I want you to get it for me, woman.”

He shoved me back with a force I wasn’t expecting. Stumbling on my feet, I crashed against Max, then whipped my eyes at Theo.

His forehead creased, and he darted a look at Matt before tipping his head toward the fridge. “Just get him a drink. Don’t turn this into some big thing.”

My lips parted, anger sparking inside me. “I’ve just worked a double shift and come home to find my dinner eaten by someone else. I’m exhausted. I want a shower, and I shouldn’t have to get anyone a drink!”
