Page 59 of Keeping Eveline

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She wanted to wake up this way every day.

The closer she got to Triple Z’s office, the more she wanted to tell Kyle to turn the car around. As it was, he wouldn’t be able to drop her out the front. Then everyone would see she was consorting with the enemy.

She wished he could. Wished that he could walk her to the door and kiss her goodbye.

“You good, baby?” Kyle asked, as if he could sense her discontentment.

“Yeah, just wishing for things to be different. That there was no need for all this cloak and dagger stuff.”

His hand covered hers, his touch causing a buzz of desire to flicker along her veins. “I know. But hopefully, it won’t be for too much longer. Cass says she’s close to getting a connection between Randall and Gerald, or at least someone Gerald is dealing with. Surprisingly there isn’t much chatter on the dark web about Gerald having the upsell of his services.”

“Not sure why he would be discussed on the dark web. I’m guessing what Gerald did was get one of the guys not protecting the client to either break in or assault them. That way they weren’t recognized.”

“That’s too risky, though. There’s always a chance the client does a surprise visit to the offices and sees the person who attacked them working there. We’ve had clients turn up without an appointment or a call beforehand saying they’re coming by. Gerald is getting outside help, and I believe that Randall is the key,” Kyle said.

Randall was a puzzle piece for sure, and the fact Eveline didn’t know what he sounded like, she couldn’t rule out that he was the same person who attacked her. “None of this makes any sense. Gerald’s business was doing well. Even after you guys arrived on the scene, we still had a steady flow of business. There’s no reason for him to throw it all away in the act of needing to one-up you.”

The more she thought about it, the more confused she got. She’d have to do some digging around the office. See if there was information Eveline had missed when she’d first found the anomalies that’d set her on the path she was now on.

“We will work it all out. Gerald is hiding something and doing a damn good job of it, considering even Cass can’t find anything. Which is pissing her off and making her more determined to uncover what the hell is going on.” Kyle rolled the car to a stop a block from her office.

After the night they’d shared and the closeness that’d sprung up between them, leaving him was harder than it had been the day before.

Maybe because Eveline was back where she wanted to be—in his arms. In his bed. Having him curled behind her all night had been wonderful. “I don’t want to go in,” she whispered, hating that she sounded like a frightened girl—which she wasn’t. It was more her heart wanting her to remain close to Kyle, not fear.

“I don’t want you to, either.” Kyle leaned across the console as she moved toward him.

Their lips brushed once, then twice until they were locked together, tongues dueling. Her blood heated, and the craving to have him possess her almost had her demanding he drive her home.

However, the determination to get to the bottom of what Gerald was doing was the thing that enabled her to pull away.

“I should go,” Eveline said, her chest rising and falling rapidly.

“You should.” Yet he didn’t release his hold on her, and she loved that he was keeping her close.

“You need to let me go.” She cupped his cheek, gazing into his desire-darkened, ocean blue eyes.

“Remember, I’m not going to be far away.”

“I know.”

“I think we need a code word.” Kyle sat back, and she missed his closeness.

“Code word?”

“Yes. If something is going to shit, you say it, and I know I need to get there and get you out.”

Eveline liked the idea a lot, and it gave her an extra level of security, knowing she wasn’t totally alone in this endeavor. “Why now? Why didn’t we work this out at the beginning of the week?”

He shrugged, but his shoulders were tense as though he was annoyed with himself that it hadn’t been organized earlier. “You’re right, it’s something we should’ve done. I’m not sure why we didn’t, but we can do it now.”

She didn’t push for more; it was a mistake and one they were now rectifying. “What word should we use?”

“A word that can easily be slipped into conversation. We can’t have something like llama if you’re not discussing something related to the animal. That is a huge red flag.”

Eveline considered what they could use. “What about glass?”

“Glass? I suppose that would work.”
