Page 74 of Keeping Eveline

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The sooner they got home, the better he’d feel. His skin was prickling again, which was why Ox had been watching the car. Now that it had turned off, the feeling should’ve gone, but it was still there.

Nothing else drew his attention when he checked the mirrors again. They weren’t being followed. However, it didn’t escape him, when Ox tailed someone, he ensured he wasn’t found out.

The entrance to his building came into view, and he rolled his shoulders in an attempt to ease the tension. “What the fuck?” He braked.

There was a large truck blocking the entrance into his building.

“Where’s the driver?” Eveline asked, as she leaned forward and looked out the windshield.

“I don’t know.” Everything in him was screaming to put the car in reverse and get the hell out of there.

Ox moved the shifter at the same time someone slammed into the back of the car, jolting them forward with enough force that the front of the car hit the back of the truck.

“Get the fuck down now,” he yelled, and he reached for his weapon, cursing when he remembered he’d locked it in the car’s gun safe.

The passenger side window exploded, glass splintering everywhere.

Eveline’s scream filled the car at the same time his window shattered.

He didn’t have time to react before a sharp prick penetrated his skin. He grabbed at the spot. “What the hell?”

Ox’s vision blurred, and all he could hear was the woman he loved screaming his name, as he slumped against his non-existent window. His body was numb. Whatever he’d been given was fast-acting and rendered him immobile. “Ev—” He couldn’t even finish breathing her name before the drug pulled him down into a black hole.

“Sir? Can you hear me? Sir.”

Was someone shaking him? Ox couldn’t tell, but the voice was going in and out; he felt disconnected from the world. He was untethered, but not floating, just a dead weight. He attempted to lift his arm, but nothing was registering.

“I think he’s coming around. Sir, can you tell me your name?”

With a monumental effort, Ox forced his eyes open, grimacing when lights flashed all around him. “Wh? Whe?” Forming words was impossible. Forming a coherent sentence to answer the question was also impossible.

Slogging through the sludge that filled his mind, Ox remembered things of his past. His name. His age. He didn’t have amnesia, but what the hell had happened?

Blinking a couple more times caused his surroundings to come into sharper focus. He was in his car.

The flashing lights were from the ambulance and fire trucks that were parked beside him and in front of him.

The bonnet of the SUV was crumpled. Vague memories started to come back.

A truck.

Being hit.

Windows shattering.

A prick in the neck.

Eveline screaming.

“Eveline. Where?” Moving his head was impossible, Ox’s body was made of stone.

“You were by yourself when we found you, sir. Are you experiencing any pain?”

The calm voice of the paramedic was beginning to grate on him. It wasn’t her fault; she was just doing her job.

How many times when they’d come across an injured soldier or innocent villager on a mission, had they used the same tone of voice? Too many times to count.

I need to move. I need to get to my team. I need to get to Eveline.
