Page 88 of Keeping Eveline

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He didn’t even care that Gerald’s hatred of Alliez was because of him. Wayne was happy living his life, and as far as he was concerned, Gerald had stopped being his father years ago.

Desert Snakes were laying low and denied their association with Gerald and Triple Z, even though there was proof of a relationship and the things they’d done to Triple Z’s clients.

The police were watching them, but Kyle had gone and “chatted” to them as he’d said, advising that they were to stay far away from Eveline. Their response was, they didn’t care about her—which suited her fine.

“Pretty sure Kyle would agree with you on that,” Astrid said.

“Definitely. Kyle asked if I want to work at Alliez, but I’m not sure.” As much as Eveline loved the idea, she was hesitant to take a job where the man she loved was her boss as well.

“I can understand that you want to keep your work life and personal life separate, but I have to say.” Her voice softened, and Astrid’s gaze locked on her fiancé. “There are some perks to always having them close.”

As if Growler were in tune with his fiancée, like Kyle had been with her, he looked up and locked eyes with Astrid. They shared a smile before he turned his attention back to his teammates.

“I suppose there is,” Eveline murmured.

“Whatever you decide, I know Kyle will support you. He seems like that type of guy.”

Astrid was right. Kyle would support Eveline, whatever she did.

The urge to touch him shot through her.

“He really is,” she said, leaving Astrid to go to the man she loved. The second she arrived, he hooked an arm around her shoulders, and again, as if sensing her thoughts, he moved them away so they had some privacy.

“You good?” Kyle asked.

“Never better.” Eveline placed her hand over the reassuring thump of his heart. “I love you.”

He kissed her temple. “Love you, too, so much.”

“If I come and work for Alliez, promise me nothing changes between us?”

“Look at me, baby.”

Eveline did that and almost drowned in the love she saw shining there.

“Nothing will ever change the way I feel about you. Nothing. If you come work for us or not. My heart is yours. I’m yours,” he whispered.

Deep in her soul, Eveline knew all this. Knew nothing would change, but after all she’d been through the last few weeks, fear was clouding her decision making. “I do want to work for you, maybe until we start a family. That is, if you want kids. We’ve never talked about it.”

“I want whatever you want. And”—he placed his hand over her flat stomach—“I love the idea of seeing your carry my child. Whatever the future has for us, we’ll walk it together.”

Eveline loved the sound of that. “You are mine, and I’m yours. Forever,” she whispered.


Teresa clutched the phone close to her chest, her mind whirling with all the things she should’ve done, but instead she’d made this call. Hoping that, even though it was after normal business hours, they had an answering service. Something or someone who could get a message to the person she wanted to speak to. The ringing stopped.

“Alliez Security”

Her throat seized up hearing his voice. It had been so long, but she would recognize it anywhere. The sound was imprinted onto her brain. But she hadn’t been expecting him to answer the call. Maybe fate wanted to help her. “Ang-Angelo?”

“Yes. Who’s this?” The skepticism in his voice wasn’t hard to hear.

“Teresa Carter. We went to high school together.”

Would he even remember me?

They hadn’t had that much to do with each other, except for that one time he’d collected her books for her when they’d been knocked out of her hand. After that, if he saw her in the hallway, he’d always smile. They’d even had a couple of conversations.

“I remember you. What’s up?”

It was now or never. All her options were gone, and she’d been left with no choice but to contact Angelo and Alliez Security. “I-I’m in trouble. I need your help.”
