Page 51 of Into Her Fantasies

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“Whoa.” I jerked free from her, only because getting both my hands to my hips was the more important statement at the moment. “Not what I ‘came to do’?” With the pose came the full channeling of my inner Ezra, as well. “What the hell part of that statement is relevant here, missie? Timing my trip perfectly with a rare Mediterranean hurricane thing? Having to deal with the subsequent freak-out in the Palais basement? Or actually putting my stress to good use by helping to find two adorable kids?”

Crista’s face crunched, trying to deal with scowling and laughing at me at once. Finally, tearfully, she simply hauled me into a hug. “Adorable? You have never even met them.”

“They’re your kid sibs, right? How could they be anything less than beautiful?”

As we pulled apart, another meaningful look passed between us. There was one more thing I hadn’t come to the island to do—namely, her boss—a secret I knew she’d keep, no matter what I decided right now. I sent her an equally determined regard in return, driving home the point that my decision had nothing to do with that. Two children were in danger here—more than Jagger and Shai even wanted to let on. Dealing with hundreds of wedding days in all kinds of conditions, I’d learned to spot when huger secrets were being kept from people “for their own good”.

“It is settled, then.” Jayd pivoted, squaring off with Jagger, once more making me think of a bad-ass fantasy heroine in leather and spiked boots instead of her durable storm gear. “We shall be going to the riverfront—as in all five of us.”

Jagger’s nostrils flared. “Dammit.”

She imitated the look. “Your stance on the matter is noted, Mr. Fox.”

His nostrils calmed—only because the tension shot out to every other part of his body. Still, I had to bite back a smile. Unless my instincts had been screwed to hell by now, it was totally clear Jagger battled the craving to throw Jayd over his knee—then into his bed.

He compensated by all but snarling his retaliation. “Do you even understand what is going on out there right now? The river has surged by six feet already. Do you know how bloody dangerous—”

“I know that two children are still missing.” Jayd marched in on him, placing their chests just inches apart. The princess clearly couldn’t spot a spanking in a man’s stare, even when it seared into her. “And that you are wasting precious minutes of search time, being an overbearing ape.”

“Your Highness Jayd.” Wow. Shai did have a voice—and it was as rich as the café au lait his skin matched. “With all due respect, ‘the ape’ has a point.” He swung his bright green gaze to all three of us—though it rested the longest on Crista. “Directive or not, Shiraz will turn primal if we make a call that endangers you. Any of you.”

I didn’t know what to make of his last three words, but related to the rest of his statement. I’d seen the primal side of Shiraz Cimarron—in the sensual sense of the word. It’d been scary. I’d been in heaven. But seeing him go caveman in this situation? No freaking thank-you.

Nevertheless, I caught Shai’s gaze with the determination of my own. “We’ll worry about Shiraz. You guys take care of getting us to Parryss Landing.” I tugged Crista close again. “We’ve got a family to reunite, and we’ve got to do it now.”

For another moment longer, Shai gazed at the woman in my arms—openly longing to trade places with me. Wow. That look. I didn’t know anything about Tytan Cimarron beyond what Crista had just relayed, but if the guy stared at her with half this intensity, no wonder she was smitten.

Shai knocked himself out of the reverie by shaking his head, muttering a frustrated oath in Arcadian, then dashing a look back over at Jagger. “Perhaps we can plead temporary insanity?”

Jagger shot back his answer with his glare glued on Jayd. “It would not even be a lie.”

Jayd had the girl balls to smile in triumph. “Very well. Let us hurry, then.”

We sprinted from the shelter.

Raced a storm.

Hoped like hell we made it in time to a riverfront that was, by now, very likely a lakefront—where a pair of six-year-olds had wandered, filled with impossible dreams.

Holy Mary, full of grace…

This time, I prayed it sincerely.

Please, please, don’t let us be too late.
