Page 10 of Ready For His Rule

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“‘Keep Austin weird’.”

“I’ve logged a few decent efforts to the cause.”

They shared a quick laugh.

It was…nice.


So damn easy.

John’s limbs fought the feeling. No, no, no. There was only one place on the planet where life was “easy”, and it was nearly three thousand miles away, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Other than that, hard was the mantra of his life. Hard was the missions of his job. The rigor of his fitness. The pace of his hobbies. And yeah, the Dominance he gave to lovers who begged for it.

What would Tracy Rhodes beg from him? How would that sweetly musical, lightly accented voice of hers sound, husked with lust…

Sharpened by pain?

And there he fucking went again.

At least the moment wasn’t easy anymore.

“All right, let me guess.” He prefaced his response with a slide of snark for good measure. “I’ll bet your parents set you up right. Pink bedroom? Canopy bed? Bucket for the cheerleader pom poms, and teen idol posters on the walls? And who were you a groupie of?”

She lifted her head fully. Slanted a narrow stare that he felt all the way into his cock, tempting him to already pump a fist in victory—

Until she said, “Sorry. Just doing a quick tally of the steers you roped right, cowboy. Oh, wait. Doesn’t take too long when the answer’s zero.”

He audibly choked.

She hid her laugh behind a hand.

“You lolo, woman?” His arched brows and tilted head translated the word for him, judging from the lip she pulled between her teeth.

“I’m probably lolo about some things,” she murmured, “but not this.” After a short sigh, she explained, “My mom disappeared when I was a baby. It was always just Dad and me.”

He took a second to process that. Still, his mutter was confused. “Disappeared?”

“Yes.” She rapidly sobered. “As in, left. Dad overcompensated by spoiling me, though from girlhood, my idea of indulgence was always a little skewed from normal.”

He was fascinated before—and captivated now. “How so?”

“Dad actually is a rocket scientist,” she explained. “so my idea of childhood ‘fun’ was usually a hike in the woods, a trip to the lab, or an afternoon at the science museum.”

John grunted. “Takes care of the posters and the pom poms.”

“Takes care of all of it.”

“Oh, come on. You didn’t still jones for pink walls and a canopy bed?”

“You mean when I could be convinced to get in the bed?”


She nodded. “Hated the whole idea of it.” A little shudder claimed her. “Still do, though I have to do the adulting thing now.”

No camouflage to her laugh meant he could hang his gape. “So where do you prefer sleeping?”

