Page 83 of Ready For His Rule

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“It’s going to make a shit-ton of difference when you’re in the Oval. Now give me the fucking order, Tracy, or we’ll both walk away now.”

“You’re a bastard.”

“Hmmm. True.”

“And I’m ordering you, as your fucking president, to get that cock out of your pants and inside me.”

“Fuck.” There was the official stunner of the day. The order heard across his body—and deep inside his balls. “Yes, ma’am.”

“You going to talk or act, soldier?”

Her sass gave him a deep chuckle and a harder dick, despite the pinpricks of regret sneaking in with both. In another time, in another place, his imagination would already be filled with the anticipation of making her truly his. Locking a collar around her neck while publicly claiming her and fucking her before all his friends and fetish family at Bastille. As a submissive, she’d never let him get complacent or bored. As a woman, her inner beauty would only get more gorgeous with the years. Most importantly, as a person, she’d be his willing partner, helping him figure shit out—even this crazy entity known as a life after Special Forces.

But they didn’t have another time or place—and he was hell-bent on forgetting exactly that as he jerked the front of his track pants down, finally freeing the angry red length from beneath.

After indulging two seconds of a clenched groan, he exhaled roughly but responded with sure silk, “Madame President, haven’t you learned by now that I’m a man of action?”

“Thank God.” Her sigh fluttered the air as he yanked the condom packet from his pocket—wisely, he’d started carrying them everywhere—ripping the thing open with his teeth then one-handing it for the latex roll-on. No time for pulling out the Don Juan moves right now. He needed her like air. Hungered for her like an animal scenting its mate on the wind then finally finding her in the forest, ready to be rutted. If he didn’t get inside her right now—

One lunge and he was home.

No. Not home.


“Sir! Yes!”

“Fuck.” Okay, beyond paradise. Where the hell was that? He didn’t care. Wherever this was, he wanted a full fucking tour. Needed to fly higher into this Shangrila with her, where they rode winds made of fire, drank from rivers of lust, and twisted themselves so tightly into each other, he literally had no idea where the force of her ended and the power of him began.

They were meshed. Woven.


He’d never experienced anything like it.

He’d never begged destiny more to make a moment last forever.

He’d never begged destiny for shit, period.

Destiny was supposed to have taken him out a long damn time ago. Destiny was supposed to have been a grenade at his feet, a bullet to his head, a knife in his gut. It was supposed to have been quick and ruthless, a flash of pain then a forever of noble nothingness.

Well, this shit still had the pain right. And the flashes. The agony of the throbs in his balls, the strain in his cock, and the thunder of his heart, all screaming to fuse tighter with her, to push deeper inside her—to let her climb deeper inside him. And the flashes? They hit with every single one of her racing breaths, heavy and hard, keeping time to the rhythm of her cunt’s pulls on his dick, and her ass’s clamps around his fingers.


What she did to him.

How she stunned him.

How she submitted so much more than her body to him.

In every push of her hips and gasp from her throat, he felt it. Knew it. Had no choice but to accept it. The raw power of her passion. The pure honesty of her spirit. The fierce beauty of how she opened herself to him, filling the air with the brutal force of her energy and fire and light…

She was a revelation.

An illumination.

A surprise so intense, he was incinerated to his core.
