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“Why on earth would you move here of all places?” Kasim looked around the small guest house with a disgust he didn’t bother trying too hide. The place was clean and well decorated, but it was barely an apartment.

Rabiya shrugged and leaned back in one of the plush chairs in the dining area. “Because I’m close to my friend, it’s free and most important of all you can’t barge in whenever the hell you feel like it.”

The defiant glint in her eyes told him his harshly spoken words had done more than hurt her. It had alienated her and pushed her out of her home. “Go back home Rabiya, I’ll respect your boundaries.”

“Yeah,” she scoffed, “until what I want clashes with what you want.” She stood and poured two mugs of coffee. “I’m staying here for now Kasim so you can sell the place or install one of your mistresses in there. Soon I will find my own place.”

“You’re determined to do this?” She nodded and he released a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. “Then at least let me buy you a new fridge or a duvet or something.”

She laughed, wrapping him in a hug and kissing his cheek. “Thanks Kasim. It’s good to know you still care.”

“Of course I do.” Did she really think he was just a callous monster? “Maybe I go a little overboard.”

“A little?” She took a moment to laugh until tears trekked down her face. “Brother you insulted my closest friend and called her the most awful names. That goes beyond overboard.”

Burying his face in his mug he took a long swig of coffee. “Oh, that’s good.”

She beamed that smile that had always made him do anything she asked. “Charla gave it to me as a housewarming gift.”

“Speaking of, I’ve tried to apologize but she won’t even hear me out.” He’d called, texted and even emailed as well as showing up at her place of business but it was all for nothing. She was the most stubborn person he’d ever met.

“Then just stop. Leave it alone, leave her alone. Please.”

He wished he could, but, “I can’t do that.”

“Why not? You don’t even like her, at least no man who even kind of likes a woman would say the things to her that you did.”

“Yeah well that’s what I thought too.” Only his traitorous mind wouldn’t let go of the memories of her, the scent of her. The taste.

Wide amber eyes began to smile. “Wait. You like her. Oh my god, you like Charla!”

Looking over his shoulder to make sure they were still alone, he turned with a scowl. “Could you say that a little louder? I don’t think the family down the street heard you.”

She laughed. “I can’t believe this. You finally want a woman and none of your regular tools will work on her. Honestly nothing might work, brother.”

He knew that too. “Since she won’t even speak to me, I’d say you’re right.”

A twinkle lit his sister’s face when a knock sounded at the door. “I wonder who that is!”

“What did you do?”

She pursed her lips, feigning innocence. “I didn’t do anything, but I would love it if my two favorite people could at least stand to be in the same room with each other. Play nice.” She walked to the door and pulled it open wearing her best hostess smile. “Charla come on in. How are you?”

“Not great actually, do you have any lemon or ginger?”

Kasim frowned at the sight she made, pale skin underscored by dark purple smudges, she’d lost weight and even carried herself like she was deathly ill. “What’s the matter with you? Are you alright?”

Ignoring him she turned to Rabiya. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you had company. I’ll just head to the store.”

“Wait,” Rabiya grabbed her shoulders. “Take a seat while I get you some tea. Have you been to the doctor?”

“I’m fine Rabi, just worn out. Don’t worry about it, visit with…your brother.” It was quite impressive the way she completely ignored the space he occupied.

“I don’t think so Char, you look like death warmed over.”

“Gee thanks.” She stood and Kasim noticed she was wobbly. “I’m just going to go lay down.” She swayed again and Kasim was there, scooping her up into his arms. “Put me down.” There was little fight in her and he figured that meant she was worse than she was letting on.
