Page 37 of Savage Heart

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I wrap an arm around her, pulling her close, intoxicated by the scent of her skin. My body aches to be closer, to make love to her, but as her breathing slows and deepens, I can tell she’s exhausted from the long days spent beside Tobias’ bed.

Brushing my lips against her neck, I say, “Goodnight, Lore.”

“Night, Dirt.”

Within moments, she’s asleep.

And as I lay there, listening to her, I wish I could find a way for her and me to stay like this forever.


The pounding on the door echoes through my dreams, pulling me back into reality. My eyes flutter open, and I’m greeted by the sight of Lore’s face mere inches from mine. Her eyelashes rest gently against her cheeks, and her lips are slightly parted as she breathes softly in sleep. The warmth of her body is pressed up against mine, her arm draped over my waist.

“Lore!” a voice coming from outside breaks the peace, then he pounds on the door again.

“Brooks?” Lore mumbles, rubbing her eyes and sitting up in bed. She looks as disheveled as I feel, her long brown hair with blonde highlights is a tangled mess. Lore stumbles out of bed and throws open the door. “Is Tobias okay?”

“What?” Brooks asks.

“You’re pounding on my door at God knows what time… is my son all right?”

Brooks looks at me and says, “Our son is fine.”

Crawling out from under the covers, I stand and walk over to my jeans that are still on the floor.

“Why are you here, Brooks?”

“Never mind, I can see you’re... busy.”

Lore glances over her shoulder, then walks outside and shuts the door. Their voices turn into this muffled buzz outside, and I’m left clueless about the drama unfolding. I pull on my jeans and walk into the bathroom to relieve myself and splash water on my face.

I put on my T-shirt, cut, and finally, my boots. Their conversation is still buzzing outside. I catch a few words, but it’s like trying to decode a radio station on the fritz. Not being known for being subtle, I open the door. Lore has her hands on her hips, her face red with anger.

“Is everything okay?” I ask Lore.

She glares at Brooks and says, “Everything is fine.”

Brooks shakes his head in frustration and storms away.

Lore pushes past me, settling on the edge of the bed with a heavy sigh. “He’s an ass.”

Closing the door behind me, I join her on the bed. “Yeah, he is. What did he want?”

Lore runs a hand through her hair and gives me a half smile. “He doesn’t approve of my life choices.”

I raise an eyebrow. “So, is that your subtle way of saying Brooks doesn’t like me? Because he’s made that pretty clear since the day we met.”

Lore laughs, placing a comforting hand on my knee. “I’m sorry. This is not how I envisioned us waking up.”

Waggling my eyebrows playfully, I ask, “And how did you envision us waking up?”

Lore bumps her shoulder against mine, a sly smile on her lips. “I think you know.”

I shoot back with a grin, “The day is young...”

Lore stands and heads toward the bathroom. “Unfortunately, I need to get back to Tobias.”

“I could buy you breakfast?” I suggest.
