Page 42 of Savage Heart

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Jonas sits opposite me, and Dane takes the chair beside him. We are all silent as we sit around the table, each of us lost in our own thoughts. A car door sounds from outside, and Dane looks beyond the table to the barn’s entry.

Bear is the first to enter, and since the last time I saw him, he’s lost an incredible amount of weight. Next is Rebel, and finally Keg.

“Were you followed?” Jonas asks.

Rebel shakes his head. “No, but we took the long way to make sure. It’s why we’re late.”

They each take a seat, and Dane clears his throat to garner everyone’s attention. “What we know so far is that King let certain things slip in Vegas, and as a result, it looks as though the Abruzzi family is muscling in.”

Keg, his gaze sharp, adds, “Don’t forget about our missing brothers. We’re all fairly certain they’re dead.” His accusatory tone is directed at me.

“I had nothing to do with that,” I defend myself, but Keg’s steely stare remains fixed on me. Unperturbed, he crosses his arms and leans back in his chair, a silent challenge.

Dane intervenes, lifting a hand to silence me, addressing his man firmly, “Keg, Sal isn’t the enemy here. I trust him with my life, just like I trust you.”

“Just ’cause he married your sister, don’t make him family,” Keg retorts, unyielding in his skepticism.

Lorenzo, ever the volatile presence, cracks his neck from side to side—an unmistakable sign that he’s gearing up for a confrontation.

“I understand your fears. Do not mistake me for Don Abruzzi. I am a man of my word, and I have to disagree with you. Marrying Dane’s sister does indeed make me family. You’ve seen me around the club, invested my own money into our ventures, and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for the club and my men.” My response is measured and directed solely at Keg.

Keg’s tense posture eases as he uncrosses his arms. “All of this has me on edge. I meant no disrespect. Is there any way we can resolve this without bloodshed?”

“I can’t see it going any other way,” replies Jonas. “You said it yourself, Keg, we have members missing. Blood must be avenged with blood, and we need to send a clear message. You take one of ours, and we take one hundred of yours.”

Dane holds up his hands. “Okay, let’s slow this down. Sal, what do you know?”

“The deal with the Abruzzis and the families in Vegas has always been tenuous. They get a cut as is our way, but they’ve gotten greedy. For some time, the Don has expressed his dissatisfaction with my marriage to your sister and my business involvements with the Savage Angels.”

Marco leans forward and stares me in the eyes. “It’s true. Don Abruzzi, in his roundabout way, was asking me if I was willing to take on your territory in Chicago. When I pointed out it was yours, he chuckled, said he was an old man, and was confused, but now that I think on it, he was sounding me out.”

“You’re not the only one who’s had a conversation with the Don,” Stefano says.

“Me too,” states Lorenzo.

“And yet none of you came to me?” Frustration is evident in my tone.

Lorenzo clasps his hands together on the table. “There was no need, boss. None of us would ever betray you. I’m sure the others thought the Don was testing us to make sure we are loyal. Which we are.”

The room holds a tense pause, the unspoken loyalty of my men resonating in the air. Despite the clandestine conversations with the Don, there’s an implicit understanding among us that loyalty remains unwavering, and the unity of our brotherhood is not easily shaken.

“How are we going to handle this?” Dane asks.

Rising from my seat, I sweep my gaze across the table, fixing my eyes on Jonas. “I acknowledge losing members is unforgivable, and I understand the impulse for vengeance,” I say, pausing for emphasis. “But we all stand to lose a great deal. Beyond our investments, we each have families. The Abruzzis are seeking war, and historically, they’ve eradicated entire families to stave off future conflict. They’ve been cautious thus far, not yet ready for an outright war, but they are preparing for one. If you permit me, I can negotiate with the other families and assess who can be trusted and who stands with us. Only then should we consider taking action.”

Dane stands. “We have a larger problem within our ranks.” He leans forward over the table, resting his hands on it. “I believe King is working with the Abruzzis. It’s the only way they could have driven us out. They have to have an inside connection.”

Keg shakes his head. “No. He’s one of us.”

Dirt points at Keg. “Brother, I get where you’re coming from, but I think Dane is right. I’ve got feelers out trying to verify what I believe to be true, which is King looking out for King.”

“When you get definite proof, I’ll back you, but are we really saying we think a chapter president has turned against us?” He shakes his head. “I don’t believe it.”

Dane’s gaze fixates on Keg, and I see concern and uncertainty etched across his face. “Keg, this is all between us. Outside this room, no one knows our intentions, and I certainly wouldn’t accuse King in public unless I had proof. But I’m telling you, it doesn’t look good.”

Rebel interrupts by clearing his throat. “I’ve spent time with the chapter in Vegas. I’m with Keg on this one. King is an arrogant SOB, and it’s clear he wants Tourmaline, but I don’t think he’d betray us.” Rebel shifts his attention to Dirt. “Could someone else close to him be pulling the strings?”

“Firstly, how do you know he’s after Tourmaline?” Dirt leans in, his expression intense.
