Page 74 of Savage Heart

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As we enter the dingy establishment, we immediately spot Salvatore Agostino sitting alone in a dark corner booth. His slicked-back black hair gleams under the dim lighting while his cold, calculating brown eyes seem to pierce through us.

“Salvatore,” I greet him and force a smile to my face as I slide into the booth. “It’s been a while.”

“Indeed it has, Dane.” Salvatore’s voice is smooth, almost unnervingly so. “It’s good to see you, Dirt. You’ve been gone for too long.”

“Seems I’ve walked back into a shitstorm.”

“Ah, yes, one we’ll conquer together,” Salvatore says. “Are you glad to be back?”

“Not really,” Dirt replies, his muscles tense as he sits next to me.

“Let’s cut the pleasantries,” I interject. “We’re here for a reason.”

“Of course,” Sal replies, leaning back in his seat and lacing his fingers together on the table.

I glance around the bar, noting the other patrons who seem to be doing their best not to make eye contact. I can feel the tension in the air, thick and suffocating like a noose tightening around their necks.

How the hell did we get ourselves into this?

We are playing a dangerous game, and one false move could send us and our families plummeting into chaos.

“Very well,” Salvatore says, leaning forward and fixing Dane with a piercing gaze. “I’m listening.”

Taking a deep breath, I run my fingers through my hair, trying to find the right words. “Your family has been pushing into our territory in Vegas. It’s caused problems for both of us. They’ve disrespected both of us. It’s time we strike back.”

Sal sighs. “Agreed.”

I clench my fists beneath the table, feeling the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. “We’ve had some... incidents at the casinos. The Abruzzi family has also been trying to muscle in on our strip clubs and tattoo parlors here in Vegas, not to mention Chicago. It’s affecting our bottom line, Sal. This is not something we can ignore. We need to come to an understanding.”

Salvatore’s face remains impassive, betraying no emotion as he considers my words.

“Indeed,” Sal replies, steepling his fingers under his chin. “They’ve overstepped, and we need to strike.”

My heart pounds in my chest, and my mind races with the potential consequences of this meeting. Salvatore is a man driven by power and ambition, but he also loves his wife, my sister, Emily. Betraying his own goes against everything he believes in.

Salvatore’s gaze never wavers, his eyes burrowing into mine as if searching for any hint of weakness. The silence between us stretches on, and the tension in the air is palpable.

“All right,” he says quietly, leaning forward. “Let’s talk about how we can resolve this situation.”

“Kill the current head of the Abruzzi family,” I say, holding Sal’s gaze even as the words send a chill down my spine. “With him out of the way, you could step up as the new leader.”

For a moment, Salvatore’s face betrays no emotion, but then his dark eyes glitter. I can almost see the gears turning in his head as he contemplates the idea.

“My men and I have tossed the idea around,” Sal murmurs, his fingers tapping on the table. “The families haven’t had conflict like this in a long time. Not all of them will back me.”

“Without the current leadership pushing for expansion into our territory, we’d be able to maintain our hold on Las Vegas without further conflict. In return, we’d throw our support behind you as the new head of the Abruzzi family. You’d have a formidable ally in us.”

Sal’s eyes narrow as he considers the proposal. “And what makes you think I can just step in and take over?” he asks skeptically. “There are protocols, loyalties...”

“I know it won’t be easy, but I believe you’re the only man who can hold the families together. You’re ambitious, and everyone knows that. We need someone like you in a position of power to help maintain peace between our organizations.”

Silence falls over the table as Sal stares at me, weighing the potential benefits and consequences of such a bold move. His fingers drum on the table, and I see the hesitation in his eyes.

“All right,” Salvatore says finally, leaning in closer. “I’ll consider it. But I need to think this through carefully. If we do this, there’s no turning back.”

“Understood.” I know we are playing a dangerous game, but if it means protecting my MC family and creating a more stable future for both our organizations, I’m willing to take the risk.

Sal’s gaze grows distant as he weighs the risks. “There’s another problem,” he admits, his voice low and measured. “One of the families closest to the Don won’t accept me as their leader. They’re loyal to a fault, and they’d view my succession as a betrayal.”
