Page 42 of Dane

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My mom rises from her chair. “Greer? She was your best friend in school, right?”

I smile and nod while Greer steps forward to give my mom a hug.

“It’s so good to see you again, Mrs. Pierce.”

“You too, dear. You’re as pretty as a butterfly, aren’t you? Come in, sit down.”

Greer and I grin at each other as my mom waves us over to the dining table. Even though I have so many lingering doubts and fears, I don’t think I could get any happier than I am right now.

Greer helps me with dinner while my mom works on her knitting project in the living room. We’re halfway through cooking when I get a text from Dane telling me he’ll be over in a few minutes.

Part of me is giddy about getting to see him, while the other part of me feels guilty. Dating isn’t supposed to be coming over to hang out with my mom. It’s supposed to be romantic and intimate between two people. It’s not fair to him.

“Dane is coming over.”

My best friend grins as she whisks the alfredo sauce. “Oh, yeah? You two are hanging out a lot. What’s the scoop on that?”

I shrug and keep my focus on slathering the bread with garlic butter. “We’re hanging out.”

She huffs out a laugh. “Remember earlier when we said we wouldn’t keep stuff from each other?”

“I didn’t think that pertained to our romantic lives.”

“So you admit you and my brother are romantic. I knew it. It was only a matter of time. Are you guys…” She glances toward the living room and whispers, “Is he your Daddy?”

My cheeks turn hot, and I finally raise my gaze to hers. “Sort of. Just when we can. It’s hard, you know. Things aren’t simple. Our alone time is very limited. He’s going to get tired of it. Tired of being my savior and getting nothing in return.”

She stirs the sauce and nods, seeming to be deep in thought. I’ve known her long enough to know she has something she wants to say.

“Tell me.”

“Nothing. It’s just, maybe you need to talk to him about your feelings.”

The doorbell interrupts our conversation, but her words replay in my mind. Talking to him about it is the last thing I want to do.



The aroma of garlic and cheese fills the air the second Summer opens the door. She looks happy. Relaxed. And it makes me feel happier. That’s the only thing I want for her. To be happy and healthy.

“Hi, baby girl,” I murmur as I tug her into my arms.

She slides her hands around my waist and hugs me tightly. “Hi, Daddy.”

I squeeze my eyes shut and nuzzle my face in her hair. I’ll never get tired of hearing her call me that. Never get tired of feeling her body tucked up against mine.

“Everything still going okay? I see Greer is here.”

Her head bobs against my chest. “She’s going to stay for dinner.”

My sister can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but she’s also amazing. I need to give her an extra hug later.

“Can I join you guys for dinner too?”

She pulls away from my chest and looks up at me, a glimmer of sadness in her eyes. “You don’t have to. You spent your whole night here last night and most of the day before too.”

I furrow my eyebrows. “Yes. And I want to spend this evening with you.”

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