Page 12 of Her Cage Fighter

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Watching Kirsten move around my home as I fry up steaks on the stove sends a whirlwind of emotions sweeping over me. There is no hiding my fascination as I watch her every move. The way she navigates the space, her presence filling the room in a captivating and equally unsettling way. We’ve spent the entire day together, watching movies, talking, and cuddling.

Captivating because I can’t keep my hands off her, though I’m not sure she is ready for more yet.

Unsettling in that she holds so much power over me. She has an undeniable pull that leaves me helpless, and it’s such an unprecedented feeling for a man who has never been scared for a day in his life, but with her . . .

I am terrified. To lose her. To not earn her trust. A lot of things are uncertain between us, but she is in every sense of the word . . . my kryptonite.

“Can you believe that I work at the bar, but have never really mixed any drinks?” she says, running her fingers over the bottles of beer in the fridge before grabbing one for me. She uncaps the bottle and passes it over to me.

I grab it and take a long swig just to sate the thirst I have for this woman. My eyes stay locked on her long golden hair, and now that I have started, I can’t help but look at the rest of her. My cock throbs hard behind my fly when my eyes drop to her pert nipples pushing against the shirt she grabbed from my closet and down to her smooth porcelain thighs.

After spending an entire day with Kirsten in my home, my cock aches from denied gratification. If she looked, she’d see it right away, but she carefully avoids looking at my crotch as she moves about the kitchen.

Things had gotten pretty hot in the kitchen this morning, and it had taken every bit of willpower I possessed to stop us from going too far. How I resisted the urge to take her back to bed and ravage her body, settling instead for long deep kisses and a little fondling as we watched movies on the couch all day, beats me. I don’t do . . . romance. I’ve never wanted to do this with anyone, but with Kirsten, it comes naturally.

I turn back to the steak before I give in to the temptation to drop everything and jump her. “Why do you work at the bar?” I ask instead.

“At Johnny’s?” I grit my teeth at hearing her refer to the bar as Johnny’s, reminding myself that she doesn’t know it’s mine. That I’m her actual boss. “Well, I need the money to take care of the expenses my scholarship doesn’t cover, and the place pays well. The owner was really kind to let Johnny hire a twenty-year-old without any prior experience.”

I bite back the urge to tell her that her getting hired had nothing to do with kindness and everything to do with her stunning beauty and temperament. I’ve seen men check her out at the bar and barely resisted the urge to punch every single one of them for daring to look at her. Her big, baby blue eyes and the pretty flush of her cheeks keep customers showing up at the bar; it’s a wonder she doesn’t realize this.

“Do you like working there?” I ask, grabbing my beer and taking another swig. I raise a single brow when she hesitates to respond.

“The customers are nice, and they respect boundaries, so I like that about the place. I hear that’s not always the case with most cocktail waitresses as drunk customers can get a little handsy.”

“That’s not what I asked.”

“I know, but . . . it’s the only answer I have for you. I don’t want to complain about a place that helps pay my bills. I don’t have a solid reason to.” I want to dig for more, but she’s walking up to me, and just like that, I forget what it is I wanted to ask. It seems intentional on her part, an attempt to get me to drop the topic. Christ, the little tease must know the effect she has on me with her wide innocent eyes. “The steak looks really good, Hawk.”

My eyes drop to the fingers she’s resting on my chest before looking back up to meet her eyes. “Does it now?”

“It does. I bet it tastes really good too. I’m getting hungry just looking at it.”

Oh, I’m hungry too alright but not for the steak. I want to lift her pert little ass on the counter and feast on her instead. It would be so simple to just grab a chair, push up her shirt and bury my head between her thighs. I bet the steak has nothing on her creamy juices, and it won’t even taste half as good as her, but . . . I’m trying to be a good man.

Kirsten tempts me in ways no one else ever has, but I am determined to feed her first, then all bets are off.

I switch off the stove and turn fully to face her, not even trying to conceal my hard-on. “If you want a chance to taste the steak, then you’ll let go of me, angel.”

“What do you mean?” she whispers, confused, and it’s not until her eyes lower to my erection that she gasps, her fingers dropping from my chest. “Oh, uhm, I . . . I’m sorry.”

“Let’s eat,” I say simply, plating the steaks before walking with them to the dining table. She follows behind with the sides, and she doesn’t say a word when we settle down to eat. Her flushed cheeks tell me all I need to know.

I don’t expect her to be the one to break the silence, but she does. “Does it hurt?”

Her question almost has me choking on the food, and where I expect to find her eyes teasing, I catch genuine curiosity instead. “What do you mean?” I ask, choosing to play dumb.

“Your . . . erection.” Jesus Christ. “I’m sorry if the question makes you uncomfortable, but you’ve been hard all day, and I noticed how you winced every time I accidentally brushed against you. I was scared that I was hurting you somehow.”

“It does hurt,” I rasp, grabbing my beer and taking a long pull of the bitter drink. “Perhaps later, you can help me take care of it.”

Her cheeks flush deeper, and I expect her to go back to eating her dinner, but she drops her fork on the plate before getting up. I watch with the beer bottle pressed to my mouth as she gets up from her seat and circles the table toward me. “Let’s do it,” she says, twisting her fingers nervously in front of her. “Let’s take care of it now.”

“Kirsten . . .”

“You’ve taken care of me, Hawk, and I want to do this for you. Besides, you said you wouldn’t take my money for the self-defense lessons and would take the payment in some other form. I . . . I’m not naive. I know what you meant by that.”

I grit my teeth, hiding the irritation her callous words bring me. I’d been so surprised to see her inside the warehouse last night, I hadn’t been thinking when I’d said those words. “Is that the only reason you want this? I haven’t even taught you anything yet.” You wouldn’t let me.
