Page 3 of Her Cage Fighter

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I hold my breath as the giant turns around, and when I finally see his face, my heart threatens to jump out of my chest. It’s the bouncer from the bar; I recognize him even with the long hair he usually ties back now wet and dark as it falls over his eyes.

He looks terrifying, more so when he looks up and our eyes lock, even with the crowd between us. My body pulsates with a strange heat as I stare at the half-naked man covered in sweat and blood, and I know that I should leave.

I know I should turn around and get away from this place, but my feet seem glued to the floor as those cold dark eyes lock me in place.

Chapter Two


I’ve seen her in my dreams, the angel staring back at me across the yelling crowd.

This pale, blue-eyed angel has starred in my dreams more times than I am willing to admit. I’ve seen her . . . almost felt her delicate fingers brush across my torso as she stared up at me with dazed eyes. A part of me knows a rogue such as myself would never have a chance to behold something as precious—as delicate—as her, but that hasn’t stopped me from obsessing over her.

Or making sure I’m there to watch her every night while she works just to be close to her.

Hell, I’ve reorganized my entire schedule to make certain I am there for every one of her shifts. It nearly killed me to leave early tonight. If I hadn’t committed to this fight before I’d ever seen her, I wouldn’t have. I’ve never so much as spoken to her, but this girl has been my entire focus for nearly a month. From the moment she walked into my bar to apply for a job.

Few people know that I actually own that bar. Even the manager, Johnny, just thinks I’m some dumb, muscled-up bouncer sent by the owner to keep an eye on things. I’ve worked hard to keep my worlds separate: that of the bar owner and that of the underground fighter.

But now my angel is here, and my worlds are colliding.

This is the last place that I would have expected to see her. A dirty old warehouse that stinks of adrenaline, sweat, and blood.

I’m not sure what caused me to turn around when I did, but something pulled at me that I could not ignore. I never expected I would come face to face with the beautiful girl who has featured in my dreams for the last several weeks.

I am rooted to the ground, staring at the angel who stands out in the crowd in a soft pink sweater and a short skirt that is already attracting attention, but she’s oblivious to it all, the silly girl. A roar builds up in my chest when I notice a man start toward her, and there is no hesitation on my part as I cross the cage, never taking my eyes off her. It’s against the rules to leave the cage before I have fought all my challengers, but damn the fucking rules!


I’ll kill the man if he touches her and anyone that dares try to stop me from getting to her!

“Hawk, you are winning me so much money. How about a few more fights, huh?” someone calls out, but I don’t bother turning around to look who it is. I didn’t come here tonight to fight for money, and I don’t care that I am winning people their bets. I came here to fulfill a promise to the man who organizes these fights. And after spending another evening watching the woman I’ve wanted for weeks, I needed an outlet for my frustration. Now that she’s here, I don’t see reason to stay in the cage.

Someone steps in my path, but I shove them away without stopping to see what they want, sending them sprawling over the nearest table. The move has people jumping out of my way as I storm toward the woman who stole my heart from the first time I saw her. My woman!

And to intercept the man whose life I may be about to end.

He gets to her before I do, and he must say something to her, to which she firmly shakes her head, backing up a step. He follows her as she shies away, and the move has me nearly blinded by anger and jealousy.

I close the distance between us, grabbing the man by his shoulder and halting his movements. He turns around with a scowl on his face that he quickly drops when he sees me.


I push my thumb into the skin his neck and shoulder meet, ignoring the wince that crosses his face and his pleading eyes. I am dead set on leaving him in the same state as the man currently lying on the floor of the cage when my angel steps between us.

“Hi, uhm, please don’t hurt him. He was just leaving, right?” she says, tipping her head in the direction of the pained man, who nods eagerly.

“Y-yes, I was just leaving . . . P-please don’t hurt me.”

I ignore him and stare at the girl whose pleading eyes I am too weak to resist. I let go of the man and watch as he scurries away, disappearing into the crowd gathered to watch the next fight. My eyes turn back to look at her, but she quickly looks down, shuffling nervously on her feet.

“So . . . so, this is what you do? I mean, when you’re not at the bar,” she whispers shyly, avoiding my gaze, but I don’t let her as I lift my bruised fingers to her chin and tip up her head, so I am staring into those pretty blue eyes. They remind me of the sky on a calm day, which is the opposite effect they have on me.

There is nothing calm about the storm this girl sparks in my chest or the erection pushing against my jeans begging for release . . . God, I just need to be close to her, and I’m practically ready to blow.

“What are you doing here?” I ask firmly, ignoring the need roaring in me, the inner voice demanding that I drag her into a dark corner and ravage her in all the ways I have only ever dared to dream. No one in this place would bat an eye if I backed her to the wall right now, tore off her little skirt, and pushed my aching cock into her tight, sweet little pussy.

She tempts me!
