Page 16 of His Wild Obsession

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“Not exactly,” she mumbled, and her cheeks grew even redder.

“Then how do you know?” I asked.

“I don’t know, it’s just, I don’t like pain.”

“I promise you, Zaika, everything we do together will be mutually pleasurable or not done at all.”

“Okay,” she replied, exhaling slowly.

“Anything else?” I asked, curious to hear what would come out of her mouth next.

“Are you gonna—that is, will there be other women, or men, during this month?”

“You will have no one but me, understood?”

“That’s a double standard,” she mumbled, but I was not amused.

I grabbed her chin with my forefinger and thumb and turned her face up towards me.

“I was not finished. For the next month, you belong to me. I do not share what is mine. No one else will touch this skin, look at this flesh, or hear those soft desperate noises you make. No one but me.”

She swallowed and her eyes darkened, the warm brown turning to molten chocolate as my words met her ears. I was not immune to that look on her face, and my pants tightened as my cock grew hard just thinking of the way she had looked last night, spread eagle, bare, glistening, quivering eagerly for my touch.

“And you? Other women?”

Adrik straightened his shoulders, that obsidian stare of his raking across my skin as he tilted his head arrogantly. The bastard was too good looking for his own good, and mine. I wanted to stomp my feet and demand he answer, but before I could make an ass of myself, he tugged on his lower lip and replied.

“I told you, Zaika moya. I only want you.”



After accepting Adrik’s proposal, everything seemed to happen in a rush. We spent a few more minutes visiting with Nonna as if I hadn’t just accepted a very naughty proposition from the most powerful man I had ever met inside the kitchen where I used to bake cookies as a child. I ran to the upstairs apartment where my father still lived, and kissed his cheek while he slept, keeled over in front of the television.

A half-empty bottle of scotch sat on the floor at his feet, and tears welled in my eyes when I saw it. But I didn’t have the heart to pour it down the drain. His illness was too far gone for such tactics to work. He needed professional help, but asking for it was step one. Far as I knew, Dad didn’t want to get better. I left soon after I entered, stopping to kiss Nonna one more time.

The ride back to the city was fast, at least it seemed that way. Adrik was on his phone for most of it, and I huffed more than one long breath. What was all the urgency if he was just going to ignore me? Granted, the million plus dollars he’d spent gobbling up properties that had anything to do with me were likely a drop in the bucket for him. But still. A girl had to wonder.

All the excitement and absurdity of the day must have caught up to me, and I fell asleep. I only knew that because when I woke up, I was floating. Well, not really floating, but being carried in a pair of strong, muscular arms.

“Easy, Zaika moya. I got you.”

That was what had me worried. He did have me. And the fact he was not even out of breath while he carried my fluffy butt the entire elevator ride and then through his penthouse until we reached his bedroom had my attention. Adrik was stronger than he looked. Or maybe not. Because honestly, who looked like him? Besides professional athletes and maybe the guy who played that Viking king’s brother, but that was it. There couldn’t be that many enormous, not to mention gorgeous, billionaires running around Manhattan. At least, not as far as I knew.

He placed me on his bed, stepping back as if I’d burned him. I sat up, clearing my throat. This was so fucked up. I was fucked up. I wanted to be indignant and angry, but the truth was, I also wanted him to want me. And I was hurt that he was standing there stoically and not pouncing.

“Sorry, uh, I guess it all caught up to me,” I said.

“Yes. I imagine it did. Would you like a drink?” he offered, raising one perfect eyebrow.

Christ, he is so handsome. His features could have been chiseled from marble. His hair was combed back, thick, and glossy. He had one of those permanent five o’clock shadow beards, and I had to admit, I couldn’t think of anything sexier than a man with some scruff on his cheeks. Adrik oozed sex and, sex fiend that I was surely becoming, I wanted to lick every inch of him from head to toe.

“Um, sure. I’d like a drink.”

That was an understatement. I waited as he poured two fingers of scotch into a crystal glass and handed it to me. Sipping too quickly, I gasped and sputtered, using the back of my hand to wipe the fiery amber liquid that I managed to dribble like a baby down my chin.

“Small sips, Zaika.”

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