Page 21 of His Wild Obsession

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“Her brother owns the company we are trying to acquire. It is necessary for our interests, but Matthew Castle?—”

“Is a total fucking freak,” I finished for him.

Oh, I knew all about Matthew Castle, working for Missy. How could I not? She was his younger sister and completely dependent on him. I’d been around more than my fair share of New York’s wealthiest and most depraved socialites. That bastard took the cake. He made Uncle Frank look like Santa fucking Clause.

“You know Matthew?” Marat asked, eyes narrowing.

“I met him before. He paid the bills, after all, and I was working as Missy’s assistant until she fired me a few days ago.”

“After the party?” he asked.

“Yes, after the party. I figured Adrik arranged it so I would accept his deal. But I have no idea what business you or Adrik have with him, Marat. I mean it.”

“And I suppose I should just take your word for it,” he scoffed.

We walked side by side down the busy Manhattan street to the small Italian café where I’d gotten a delicious macchiato the day before with Adrik. I missed him, I realized which was stunning and disheartening, as I waited for my coffee.

“Okay, a few things,” I began as I slid into the chair Marat held out for me. “I have no idea about any deals. Adrik doesn’t talk to me about business.”

“Then what are you doing here? Is it about the clothes? The dates? Money? I have money, Sofia, and I can pay you?—”

“Stop it,” I growled, insulted. “I am really tired of you people trying to buy me. Adrik and I have an arrangement. He’s helping my family out over a rough patch in return for my agreeing to spend the next month with him. Three weeks now,” I said, and tried to ignore the pang in my heart at the mention of time.

“One month? Wait. The properties he bought, that was for you?” he asked, eyebrows raised.

Though he was speaking in a low, hushed tone, I could not help but feel like I was on display. Women around us, even some of the men, did not hide the fact they were checking Marat out. I supposed they could not be blamed. He was very pretty. But right then, I hated him. Hated what he was forcing me to come face to face with, and that was my own delusions.

“I didn’t ask him to buy anything. He’d already made the purchases when he propositioned me.”

“Propositioned? So, he did pay for your time? You know, it is a puzzle, Sofia. My brother is one of the most sought after men in the world. He is rich and powerful. He can have anyone he wants by snapping his fingers. You know, I looked you up. And I cannot figure it out. Why does he want you so? You have fucked him already. This, I know. He spent two days locked in that penthouse, ignoring business, just to have sex with you,” he said, eyeing me like I was a maggot.

“The only thing I can think of that is holding his interest is your connection to Castle, unless,” he said.

He was letting the last word hang there as he looked at me again, like he was trying to imagine my naked body and what attractions I could possibly hold for any man, let alone his esteemed brother.

Conceited much?

“Missy fired me before my arrangement with Adrik started. As for what interests him, you should ask your brother,” I said.

Hurt and anger had my eyes filling with unshed tears. I was stunned. Hurt even by the likelihood that Marat’s assessment of my deal with Adrik seemed valid.

“Forgive me for being crude, but he is my brother. Adrik is everything to me. How do I know someone else can’t buy you?” he asked, and anger flashed in his eyes.

“Fuck you for thinking I am some whore anyone can buy,” I hissed.

He wasn’t exactly wrong about Adrik and me. Maybe that was why I felt so ugly inside. So angry. Here I was, living in some little vacuum, pretending I was the star in my very own dark romance and that my relationship with Adrik might turn into something else. Something that started with sex but maybe ended with something more.

I was a fucking idiot. Marat was right. Adrik had bought me, and for the first time in my life, I felt like a whore.

“You seem angry. Sofia. Did I insult you? I must apologize, you see, my brother does not have weakness. He does not show emotions. But this last week, he has not been himself,” he said as if that’s any explanation.

“Excuse me. I think I need to get back,” I murmured, neglecting to pick up my coffee.

“Miss? Miss, you have to pay for this!” the barista called, but I was too upset to stop.

“Sofia! Wait! Fuck,” I heard Marat growl, but I looked back and saw him paying for the coffee.

Good. I would hate to think the café got stiffed. But I was just too emotional to speak. Shame washed over me. I’d been caught up, romanticizing what Adrik and I were doing in my head. Physically, I liked it very much. But I was getting attached, building castles in the sky, starting to believe this was something it wasn’t.
