Page 26 of His Wild Obsession

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“What is it, brother? I thought you were at Castle’s dinner tonight.”

“What did you do today, Marat?” I asked, staring down at him expressionless.

“Do? What do you mean? I did what I always do. Work, dinner, party, went home with a woman, who is now sleeping in my bed cause this fuck woke me up and said you wanted to talk to me. So, what do you want?” Marat scoffed.

“That’s all. You didn’t come here? Maybe go for a walk? For coffee? With Sofia,” I growled her name.

Marat blanched as he stared at me, realization dawning. I took a step towards him, and my brother raised his hands, shaking his head. But it was too late. Even if he didn’t fuck her, he needed to know, to understand there were some real consequences for flirting.

“You’re my brother,” I growled.

“Adrik! I swear, I did nothing. It’s not what you think!” he gasped as I grabbed the back of his neck and hauled him to his feet. “I didn’t touch her! I thought she was a s-spy. I wanted to protect you!”

“You don’t want to do this, Adrik. I know what Marat means to you. Let him go,” a soft voice said from behind me.

I turn my head away from the sight of my hand choking my brother to Zaika moya. She was wearing one of my workout shirts. It was long enough to cover her nudity, probably the only thing she could find since she refused to keep her clothes in my bedroom. It was an undershirt, thin, white. And if the lights were on, I had no doubt I’d be able to see right through it. In fact, if I looked hard enough, I could. Which meant they could.

I dropped Marat on the floor and stalked over to her, moving her behind me. She didn’t protest, simply wrapped her arms around my waist and pressed her front to my back as if she too realized her attire left her open to other eyes when my gaze had dropped to her breasts.

“Fuck! Dammit, Adrik! I would never disrespect you like that,” Marat said hoarsely, sitting up and rubbing his neck.

Josef was leaning against the wall, watching the byplay with seemingly little interest. I frowned at him, and he shrugged.

“You wouldn’t have killed him. But just in case,” he said and waved the gun he’d been holding in his left hand. “Rubber rounds,” he explained, looking past me.

I realized he was talking to Sofia when she squeezed me tighter and her horrified gasp sounded next to my ears. Was she worried about my wellbeing? That was new. Usually, I was the one taking care of everyone around me. It was an odd thing having someone care whether I lived or died.

“I told you, nothing happened with Marat,” Sofia said, and I rumbled my reply.

“No, he is right, Sofia. If someone took my woman out without my permission, I would be upset, too. I will tell you the truth, brother, this little bunny as you call her, is more like a she-wolf. Ferocious, brother. She gave as good as she got and she never said a word against you,” Marat said, dragging himself off the floor.

Still, I did not reply. I couldn’t. My feelings were still very volatile, and I didn’t trust myself to act rationally yet. Marat avoided looking at Sofia when he walked towards me, then he held out his hand.

“Congrats, brother,” he said, and I shook his proffered hand, not sure what I was accepting his congratulations for.

He nodded at me, clicking his tongue behind his teeth. Then Josef and Marat left, and I was alone with her. Her arms were still wrapped around me in a sort of hug, and the feel of her soft tits pressed against my back made me aware of the fact I still had not come. After bringing her to several orgasms, it was crazy to think I still hungered for more.

But that was the nature of obsession, wasn’t it? It made little sense, defied all logic, and it endured. Like the motherfucking Twinkie of emotions. That shit could outlast nuclear war.

The lights of Manhattan glittered below us, but I was not looking at the view. I was looking at her. The expression on her face as she hugged my body to hers. Three weeks. That was all the time I had left with her, and I was done with pretenses. No more interruptions. No more pretending to be at work when my mind was only on her.

“Adrik, I’m sorry,” she began.

I turned to face her, regretting the loss of her touch immediately. My face marred in a frown as I’m trying to understand what the hell she was apologizing for. Was it for making me lose my fucking mind? Cause that was on me. Not her. I was not a good person. I was not born to be good. I was ruthless. Hard. Hunter. Wolf.

Sofia was good. She deserved good. She deserved everything. Not a man who used bribery and manipulations to get her into spending a month with him. But I couldn’t make myself take it back. Especially not looking at her wearing my undershirt over her naked body.

“Why sorry, Zaika?” I asked.

“I don’t want you to be upset with Marat. He’s your brother and your relationship is worth a lot more than a month with me,” she said, and that confession damn near broke me.

“Are you sorry about this?” I asked, needing to know.

“I just apologized—oh, you mean about this, not about your brother,” she answered her own question. “I suppose I could lie to you and say I hate you, hate this, but the truth is, I’ve never been the object of someone’s desire.”

“I do not think that can be true, Zaika.”

“Well, think what you like, but no one has ever pursued me quite like you. And just cause we’re being honest,” she said, stepping closer, tracing her hand down my chest, abs, and settling her hot little palm over the bulge in my pants. “I really like your dick, Adrik. A lot.”
