Page 28 of His Wild Obsession

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But I forgot all about him and CoreTech and the rest the second I was back inside my penthouse with her. She’d started doing this thing where she’d be plating our dinner in nothing but an apron, and I’d wind up eating her first. I’d started stripping in the elevator to save time because I was so desperate to be inside her.

I hadn’t seen her with clothes on for the last forty-eight hours and after we fucked, we’d eat and play a guessing game. I’d try to guess what she had on that day, and if I won, I’d get to take her panties with me to work the next morning. I fucking loved that game.

She did not leave the penthouse without me. Not for anything. But it did not seem to bother her. I kept her up most nights, hating the fact I would eventually nod off and she would leave me, but operating on less than two hours of sleep was taking its toll. I’d taken to napping in my office after my workout because if I was home, I would want to be with her, in her. I could not help myself. I was wild for her, and insatiable. Our time was speeding by. I could practically see it like sand falling through an hourglass.

It was like a honeymoon without the wedding. I loved being inside of her, but it drove me crazy she would not stay in my arms throughout the night. She fell asleep beside me a few times, but always snuck out after I fell asleep. I might have started this thing, thinking I could fuck her out of my system. Only, I was starting to suspect I had fucked her even deeper into it.

Sofia was on my mind all the time. But it wasn’t an unwelcome invasion of my space and energy. No, I looked forward to it, to her. To seeing her, tasting her, fucking her, hell, just being with her. My obsession was growing, and there was nothing I could do about it. I did not think I even wanted to try to stop it anymore. Zaika moya was becoming necessary to my existence.

But I only had two weeks left of our arrangement. Two weeks, then she would be gone. If I allowed it. The prospect filled me with determination, but business would not be put off any longer.

I had to work in order to play. That was the story of my life. Zaika moya was mine for now, and it would have to suffice. Once I closed the deal on CoreTech, I could focus all my energy on her. Then there would be no going back. I was going to keep my moonlight goddess. Tie her to the fucking bed if it was the only way to make her stay. She had no idea those thoughts were going on in my head, if she did, she might have run from me. Even so, it was too late.

My obsession was mine, and I intended to keep her.



Ifidgeted with the hem of my dress. It was clingy and short, but it made my boobs look good with its plunging neckline and long-sleeves. The heels on my feet accentuated my legs, making them look longer, and I crossed them, grinning when Adrik’s gaze zeroed right on my ass.

“Do not sit like that when we are out,” he growled, and I lifted an eyebrow. “Please, unless you want me to kill someone tonight you will not cross your legs like that at dinner.”

“Okay,” I agreed. “But you bought me this dress, and you picked it out for me to wear tonight.”

“I did. Remind me to send a bonus to that shopper. You look divine, Zaika moya.”

“You don’t look so bad yourself,” I replied, and really, he didn’t.

The man stole my breath from my body. He was gorgeous. That thick chestnut hair was combed back, and his short beard was freshly trimmed. It was the middle of winter, but his skin looked bronzed like he spent hours tanning. Like some golden god, he exuded power and authority.

I already knew the tan came from the forty-five minute swim he completed every day after his meticulous workout. His private pool was on the top floor of his triplex penthouse and the roof was made entirely of some kind of specialty glass. Like the window, no one could see inside unless he made it so.

I could only imagine they were incredibly thick and reinforced. Sunlight filtered in through the glass panes, heating the pool and tanning his skin. I couldn’t even fathom the cost. Now that I knew his nickname for me meant bunny, I scrunched up my nose whenever he called me that. Two weeks. Just two weeks left. My heart squeezed whenever I started thinking about it. But time did not slow for anyone. Not even billionaires.

Fact was, the clock was running out on us, on this crazy torrid affair we were embroiled in. Soon my only taste of Adrik would be what I read about in the tabloids. The thought left a bitter taste in my mouth. I didn’t want to think about it. The possibility of seeing him in a tabloid with some society princess draped over his arm like a perfect, thin swatch of silk. My heart wouldn’t be able to take it.

Stupid, I know, but I had feelings for the man. Real ones. I was not from his world. Sure, I knew about the scandals and the marriages, both the loveless and the open kind that seemed to run rampant among the elite. Poor people didn’t have the same choices. But the rich seemed to live in a world where bodies were cheap. I couldn’t fathom behaving that way.

Adrik seemed different, but what did I really know? Even with all the digging I’d done and the minor facts he’d told me about his life, I still did not know him. Not really. His was a vicious, cruel world, where playing games could sometimes cost lives, or worse, hearts. I said worse because some lives got the end they deserved. A man like Adrik could not afford to form a real connection with anyone. And to soft hearts like mine, that kind of detachment was detrimental.

Working for Missy Castle for six months had taught me a lot about high society life, and if that was really Adrik’s world, then the likelihood of me running into him after this was over was slim to none. After all, Missy had fired me, and I did not run in those circles.

My heart squeezed thinking of the time when I wouldn’t be able to see him, smell his spicy cologne, or feel his powerful body moving inside of me, bringing me to a completion so strong I passed out once or twice from it. Only Adrik Volkov could possibly command that kind of response from a woman. He was certainly the only man who’d ever done that to me.

Shit. I was falling in love with him. Awareness filled me and I gasped as I darted my gaze to his handsome face, bathed in moonlight seeping in from the windows.

“Zaika? Are you feeling all right?”

“Oh, I’m fine. Sorry. Um, did you know that a Dutchman named Peter Minuit bought the Island of Manhattan in the 17th Century for what was about $24 worth of beads?” I asked, rattling off a factoid I’d recently discovered.

“$24? That was a steal,” Adrik observed, his grin quirking one corner of his mouth up in a rakishly adorable expression.

“Yeah. He was a total crook. Native people didn’t share the Europeans concept of ownership, so it was likely a huge misunderstanding,” I said, dropping my voice.

“I love that you know so many things, Zaika. You are the most interesting woman I have ever met,” he said, flashing me a smile I could only credit as proud.

He took my hand and lifted it to his lips, dropping a kiss on my palm that made my heart pound. His phone vibrated, and he took it out of his pocket with his free hand, still holding mine with the other. It was so big and warm wrapped around mine. I loved the feel of the calluses beneath my fingertips.

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