Page 39 of His Wild Obsession

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“He doesn’t need me to help him. He’s the Dark Wolf. He can do anything,” I said, believing that with all my heart.

“He told you that name?” Marat asked, head cocked to the side.


“And you didn’t run screaming?”

“No. Why would I?”

“And after what he did to that prick at the party?”

“What about it? That bastard deserved what he got,” I said, and I meant it.

I told Adrik that night what Matthew had done to me, but I didn’t tell him what he said he was going to do or how he bragged about raping and hurting women before. Said it was the privilege of his class. No, I was not upset about Adrik’s actions. Fuck, I applauded them.

“You know, the other man, Charles, he got worse,” Marat said, watching me closely.

“Good,” I replied and got out of the truck.

“My brother is an idiot,” Marat said, shaking his head.

“Ha! I dare you to say that to his face.”

“No, thank you. I am not an idiot,” he replied with a wink, and watched me walk up the stairs.

I waved him off and went inside. I didn’t know how I was going to live after everything I’d been through. But I had to try. I already missed him like crazy. But if he wanted me, he would’ve answered my texts. Would have tried to call. But he didn’t, so there I was, broken heart and ruined soul, a shell of my former self.

If only he loved me back. If only I hadn’t stayed that night.

If only…



Before my private plane even touched the ground, I was unbuckled and waiting at the door. Ten days. I’d spent ten days across the world from Zaika moya and I felt like a caged animal.

I know I should have called. I stared at the texts she’d written me while I was gone and frowned heavily at the last one. It was dated two days ago.

It’s been eight days since you left, I pray you are safe, and Marat assures me you are. I wasn’t going to text you anymore, but I didn’t want you to think I was a coward. And I didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye. Thank you for everything.


I told you staying was a mistake. -Sofia

She was gone. Zaika moya had left my home, my life, just like that. She could not even wait for me to get back to say it to my face. Anger and rage and disbelief coursed through me, and I felt like a wild thing. That last line, though. That P.S. at the end, that was the killer. That was the bullet straight to my heart.

It was that line that had me wanting to jump off this plane and head right to North Bergen where I knew she’d returned from my brother. That asshole had driven her. I warred between applauding his efforts to keep her safe—yes, he had a guard on her night and day without her noticing. And yet, I was still going to punch him in his stupid face.

Sofia was gone. Fuck. She did not take a single thing from my house. Not one of her new outfits or accessories I’d purchased. But she wouldn’t, would she? I’d tried to build a cage to put her in, to keep her with me, but she refused to stay trapped. And I needed to know why. I needed to know what I had to do to make her mine forever. Not this fucking one month bullshit I had her promise to give me. And if that failed, I would still drag her back. She owed me four days. I had four fucking days left from our original agreement.

Then I would tie her to the damn bed and fuck her till she was too weak to refuse me anymore. I would have my Zaika. She would be mine. Fuck the state of the country I just left.

Fighting to keep our claims on the rare earth metal mines we had in numerous countries required bribes, fights, and murder. My hands were far from clean, but I would do worse to keep Sofia with me. Before I’d gone to my private jet, the morning I was pulled from the bed we’d shared, I’d had one more thing to do to avenge the woman I was crazy about.

I still could not believe she had finally agreed to stay with me for the entire night. It was everything I wanted and more. The feel of her soft body nestled against mine, seeking comfort from me. The Dark Wolf. As if I were somehow worthy of her. If I closed my eyes, I could still feel her warm breath tickling my skin.

But then, the shit hit the fan, and I had to leave to protect what was ours. But first, I went to the place to avenge her. That was what we called the warehouse we owned just outside the Lincoln Tunnel. Marat met me there with Josef, of course. Matthew Castle was already dead, his body disposed of, and Missy, well, she was in an unfortunate accident at her home estate. The fire had left her alive, but barely coherent. Poor thing.
