Page 43 of His Wild Obsession

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“Always you. Only you,” I said and dug my fingers into his hair as he pushed his tongue inside my clenching sex. “I love you, Adrik! I love you so much,” I yelled as lights started dancing behind my eyes, my orgasm so close I could taste it.

“I love you, Zaika,” he growled, crawling up my body and slamming his cock all the way inside me with one hard thrust. “I. Love. You. Love you so much. Only you. Always you. My Zaika. My moonlight goddess. My wild obsession.”

It was the first time he said those exact words to me. Yes, we’d made our vows to one another, got married with both our families surrounding us, but that was the first time he had ever strung those three words together. Once he started, it was like a dam had broken, and he couldn’t stop.

“Love you. Love you. Love, love, love!” Adrik roared as he pushed us both over the edge, coming so hard, I thought we broke the bed.

He kissed me again, demanding more, and I gave it to him. Willingly. Willfully. For as long as he wanted me.

He asked me to stay, and the truth was, I never left. Not all of me, anyway. Adrik Volkov was in my soul. He owned my heart, and I never wanted to be without him.



Inever thought I could ever be so happy, so content. But when I had my Zaika by my side, wearing my ring, I knew I had found the one thing a man like me never expected to find.


Sofia was my obsession, but she was also the only one who could quiet the beast, tame the wolf that lived inside me. During my lifetime, I had made enemies. I had burned bridges. Destroyed dynasties. And forged my empire in blood, guts, and sweat. I had earned my nickname. And I was grateful now that it struck fear in so many.

Because also, for the first time in my life, I had something worth dying for. Zaika moya was everything to me and I pitied the man or woman who tried to take her from my side.

“Adrik? Are you ready?” she asked, and I looked up to see her smiling, her hands resting on her swollen abdomen.

One year into our new life together and my moonlight goddess gifted me with another present. She smiled at me, growing my child under her heart, and my entire body trembled with the force of my love for this one woman. She’d given me everything, and in return I would do anything for her to make her happy, keep her safe. Anything.

“Always, Zaika. I am always ready for you.”

Her velvet eyes heated with passion as she reached up on tiptoe to kiss my lips. It was Christmas time, and we were on our way to Nonna’s house. Life was a little complicated, melding my world and hers, but together, we did it. Our love was just that badass.

“Do you want your gift early?” she asked, biting her lip.

I held her hand and led the way to the car that was parked outside, waiting for us. Josef opened the door, and I helped Sofia get inside, making sure I buckled her belt before I moved in beside her.

“What gift?” I asked when I finally sat down, and her smile widened as she handed me a slip of paper with a large dark circle on it and a tiny glowing shape I could almost make out as a tiny human.

“What is this?”

“That’s your daughter,” she said, tears in her eyes as she gave me the greatest gift of all.

A sound escaped my lips, part groan, part sob, part cheer. Then I turned to her, wrapping my arms around her and I vowed to her again to always be there, to protect, to love, to worship.

“I love you, Zaika moya.”

“I love you too, Adrik. Only you.”

And I knew then there was no getting rid of this obsession. It was only getting bigger from here on out.

The end.
