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His muscles flexed as he clutched me tighter. “Who was that kid?”

“No idea.”

“Did we just get saved or—?”

I shrugged. “No idea.”

“Alright, we should keep it moving.” His chest heaved with a breath. “She’ll try to track us. We have to move fast.”

I wasn’t about to argue with that plan. Every single one of my plans seemed to be falling flat. The tiny cottage, the vampire bar, this stupid warehouse—kissing him in the middle of all this madness—these things hadn’t gotten us an inch closer to finding Ander, or anyone willing to take us to him, for that matter.

I felt like a rat in a cage.

Without releasing Eric, I walked alongside him, stumbling a few times through the sticky trickle of water. The odor intensified, turning from pungent to downright disgusting. At some point, I gagged and shoved my nose into Eric’s armpit. His sweat and musk were a welcome scent compared to the decrepit sewage we were walking through.

After several minutes of dragging ourselves through the muck, we came upon a split tunnel. I scratched his bare chest, almost aroused by the way he hissed from my sharp nails.

I glanced obliviously between the two tunnels. “Left or right?”

He turned his nose left, then turned his nose right, then turned his nose left again. A few seconds later, he nudged me to the left. “It smells like open water that way. We might be coming up on a river.”

“How do you know that?”

“I’m a wolf. I have a great sense of direction.”

I huffed with amusement. “Except when it comes to warehouse hallways, apparently.”

“Hey, I was cut off from the world and trapped inside an iron tunnel. You can’t blame me for getting a little turned around.”

“I can blame you for a lot of things,” I teased.

He nudged me playfully. “Is that so, Mistress? In that case, I can blame you for distracting me from my ex sneaking up on us.”

“And how is that my fault?”

“Because your lips are too damn tempting, GG.”

Butterflies exploded into a frenzied hurricane in my core. Round and round the sensation went like I was on a dizzying carousal. Any minute now, one of those metaphorical butterflies was going to appear in the form of a mewl or a confession—and I had to make sure neither of those things happened.

If they did, then what would he do next?

Actually, kiss me?

If only he would.

His hulking arm caressed my side. “Come on, GG. We’ll talk about it later.”

Yeah, we kept saying that, didn’t we? Because if we talked now, then we might not be able to control ourselves. And given our surroundings have been shrouded in dim lantern light and sewage, it probably wasn’t the best place to not control ourselves.

I stumbled along with Eric through the residual darkness, shrinking to his side as the shadows grew. Soon, the lanterns quit altogether, and we were left to wade through rising water with his wolf night vision. The farther we sloshed, the colder it got until we shuffled through thigh-deep waters that seemed to be flowing right past us.

Although I was unsure of where this tunnel would lead or whether we were being duped into another trap, I had Eric at my side. I had his arm snugly around my body. I had his confidence and his strength to help finish this task.

And for now, that was enough.

Until it could be more, it was enough.

Chapter 11 - Eric
