Page 164 of A Cursed Son

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“One of us has to carry the weight of the world, and that’s obviously not going to be you.”

I have to laugh. “Weight? What weight?”

Weight. I can’t stand anymore, and fall to my knees.

Renel crouches in front of me. “One day you’ll understand.”

“I doubt it.”

He takes a deep breath. “You’ll have a lot of time to think in the Blue Tower.”

Blue Tower. Is he really going to take me to the place I’ve been looking for? Is he going to give me that gift? Perhaps I’ll finally learn where this Pit of Death is, and what lies beyond it. What kills me is leaving Astra behind, leaving her after hurling hurtful words at her, sharp enough to wound her where she’s most vulnerable. Each word was a dagger slicing into my heart.

“Time to repent from your evil deeds,” my brother says, then shakes his head. “Taking advantage of innocent girls, Marlak? I couldn’t imagine even you’d stoop so low.”

Advantage? He doesn’t know that my soul and Astra’s are intertwined, that our hearts are connected, even if she might never forgive me. But she’ll be safe for now. Her hatred for me will protect her.

Until I find my way back to her.


We barely arrived at the Crystal Palace, and they gave me a room, a big room with a huge double bed and windows leading to a misty hill. I wonder if the view changes when the castle moves, and if anything here is real. I wonder if any part of my last days was real.

The castle is filled with low fae with creepy empty eyes, and two of them are preparing a bath for me, following Otavio’s instructions. Otavio, who’s eager to take over my beauty routine again, and make me his doll. Otavio, who took away my sword and is going to present it to Renel.

All I can do is dance to his song, at least until I can find my own. And to be fair, I was eager for a bath.

The water is deliciously warm, the smell of herbs fresh, relaxing. I haven’t had a warm bath since forever, and never had such a luxurious bath. I lie down, letting the water caress my naked body, letting it wash away my shame, my anger, letting it wash away everything.

Alone for the first time with my thoughts, I look back and think about what happened.

Otavio’s voice is the one that comes to mind. Understand people’s motivations, what makes them tick.

What was Marlak’s motivation? Activating the stones, of course.

Was it?

I swallow. Marlak’s words are the ones that come to mind. I made an oath to protect you and I take it seriously. I remember him at the coronation. Whatever happens, my brother can’t notice how much I care for you.

Whatever happens, my brother can’t notice…

I recall his face, his panic, his fear when he realized I was Tiurian. I recall his panic when the stones turned red.

Which is more likely: that he’d been pretending for several days?

Or that he pretended for five minutes, when he must have known what was about to happen?

I sit up and exhale, fast. My heart is making a racket in my chest. I’m partly relieved, partly furious.

Marlak played me.

Tricked me.

I was so overcome with my own fears, my own insecurities, that I didn’t notice it.

I clench my fists. Couldn’t he have winked? Have whispered in my ear? Couldn’t he have trusted me? We could have fought together. Perhaps he had no more magic, but I still had mine.

Right, the magic I barely understand and have no idea how to use. I still want to strangle Marlak. We could have tried.

And that was exactly what he wanted to avoid.

Still. Even if we were to fake this, he didn’t have to say all those things to hurt me, to make me believe he used me.

Would I have walked away, would I have let them take him, if I thought he was pretending?

I don’t know.

What I know is that his brother took him, and I’ll have to find a way to free him. Then I’ll yell at him.

Oh, I’m going to yell so much.
