Page 54 of A Cursed Son

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“You can breathe.”

I finally gasp for air, surprised that it’s really air. There’s so much water above me, and yet still so much below. This is nothing like the Sommet Lake, and I don’t want to let go of him, but at least he hasn’t said anything, and keeps going down. Down, down we go. How can a river be so deep? Or is my idea of depth completely wrong?

At least we finally reach the bottom, its sandy texture a soft caress on the soles of my feet.

He looks down, then looks at me. “I think I’ll have to hold you.”

I nod. Poor Marlak, having to do the great sacrifice of holding me. And yet, when he wraps his arms around my waist, I just want to lean over and be embraced. It’s as if my body doesn’t understand the difference between dream and reality—or maybe it’s just that this river is scary and I want to feel safer.

“Hold tight, and don’t panic.”

I’m about to say that I’m not panicking, when a swirl makes us spin and keep spinning faster and faster. At this point, whatever he thinks of me is the last thing on my mind, and I hold him as tight as I can.

His lips are close to my ear. “It’s safe,” he whispers.

That is the voice I know so well, the voice that often lulls me into a sense of peace, safety, love. I could swear that he holds me tighter, but I’m not sure about my senses anymore.

We stop spinning, but my eyes are still closed, my heart still accelerated. There’s firm, sandy ground beneath me, but I’m dizzy and disoriented. Through my closed eyelids, I can see that there’s a lot more light than before, as if we were closer to the surface.

When I open my eyes, I’m surprised.

We’re in an underwater cave with rock walls, and there’s white light coming from jutting crystals—so much light. Around us, some twenty strange creatures hold golden spears. They’re guards, but their hair and skin are green and their eyes are black and huge, with no eyelids.

I hold Marlak tight.

“Nobody will hurt you here,” he whispers, that soft, soothing whisper that’s a balm to my heart, a promise of love and safety to my soul.

My heart throbs so loud that I can hear it, I can feel it knocking on my chest, as if to remind me of its existence, remind me what it truly thinks of the fae prince.

His arms let go of me slowly, and he takes both my hands gently, then finally turns me, so that I’m looking in the same direction he is, where a tall woman stands. Her skin is bluish, like her hair, and she has those same odd eyes. Everyone here has pointy ears like the fae, but they’re definitely not a type of fae, like I’ve always thought.

Still holding my hand, Marlak kneels, and I decide to do the same.

When he gets up, he says, “This is Astra Goldenstar, my wife and the legitimate queen of the Crystal Court.”

Queen? He has said that before, but it sounds so serious now, so official. And to give me his name? I don’t even have time to mull it over, as the woman smiles at us, an odd smile full of pointed teeth. I’d swim away if I knew how to do it, and if I thought it would help. But Marlak still holds my hand, and that helps me calm down. It’s not fear that I’m feeling, it’s a strange mix of awe and a certain apprehension. I don’t know what it is.

The queen of the Nymphs bows slightly. “Impeccable choice, your majesty.”

And then I hear her inside my head. I know what you are. I know what you hide.

I pull my hand from Marlak’s touch, fearing he could hear those words, feeling exposed.

Have no fear, child. The queen says, with a soft voice. I know what it’s like to hide, to fear. I know what it’s like to be hunted. I’ll let you choose when your husband learns the truth about you. However, If I were you, I’d choose it to be soon.

Can she hear my thoughts? Please, don’t say anything. I look at her, waiting for a reaction, but she’s looking at Marlak.

Still, her voice again sounds in my head. You know what he is to you, don’t you? I understand running from danger, running from foes, but why do you run from yourself?

I’m not running, I’m sure I’m not running. Her words make me feel odd and queazy, but at least he holds my hand again.

He pulls me close and when we spin, I don’t have any self control not to hold tight to him. We spin and spin, then he’s swimming up, bringing me with him, and I feel rough stone beside me. The edge of the island.

I’m so dizzy, I barely feel when he pulls me up, when we walk back in the direction of the house, but then he stops, and gestures for me to sit on a fallen trunk. He moves a hand over me and I feel my body and my dress getting dry.

He sits beside me. “What happened?” His eyebrows are creased, as if worried.

I shake my head. “Swimming, spinning. It was strange.”
