Page 21 of Beyond Fate

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He fucking shot Jayce.

I couldn’t mask the snarl that tore from my throat at the sight of his large frame leaned against the wall, his hand clutching the ragged edges of his dark sweater.

The red between his digits. Red dripping from his side, and I —

“Well, there’s nothing for that. I’ll just have to blame it on Kent and take out the witnesses.” The man turned to me, and his eyes were gleaming in delight. “Let’s make this good.”

The chill of the air penetrated my body, leeched away the warmth that had slowly been building in my chest. Jayce was hurt behind me, and he was hurt because he’d stepped in the way of this asshole trying to kill me.

He was hurt, and the only excuse I had for what I did next was that I was the only one allowed to do that. He was my mission.

My target.

He was mine.


“Clay, be —” Jayce’s warning cut off when I stepped forward in a swift motion. I wouldn’t have gotten away with it if the man thought I was a threat — I knew that. I also knew I was showing at least part of my hand to Jayce, but I couldn’t worry about the rationality of my actions.

All I could think of was the blood pouring from Jayce’s side and the fact that the asshole in front of me had the audacity to shoot him.

The gun he’d pointed at my chest was in my hand, and he was staring at me with wide eyes and his wrist at an odd angle. It actually took his brain a second to catch up to the pain. When it did, he started to scream.

We couldn’t have that. Jayce had taken such care to make sure the man he’d killed hadn’t made a sound — I had to keep up. The only reason we hadn’t drawn a crowd was because Park’s weapon had a silencer on it, and we were in the back lot, surrounded by darkness.

I flipped the gun in my hand in a practiced motion and brought it down on the bridge of his nose. Blood gushed, and my foot kicked out — I took out his knee and sent him crashing to the ground in a wash of copper and saliva, and the heel of my boot pressed on his throat before he had a chance to properly scream or call for help.

“Clay…” Jayce’s voice sounded soft, pained, and I was seeing red. I couldn’t blink around it. I could pretend I’d gotten blood in my eyes, that I was finally letting off some of the tension I’d been feeling since this whole operation had gone to shit.

I could pretend a lot of things, but I knew why I was doing this.

As long as he never knew, that was all that mattered.

“You can’t do this.” The man’s voice was strained, only allowed because I let my heel up enough for him to draw in a wet, bubbly breath.

“Really?” I crouched down, which pressed the weight of my foot on his throat again. His eyes went wide with it, his hands scrabbling — if I hadn’t had a gun to his forehead, he probably would have tried to fight me. “And why is that?”

His lips moved, but only gurgling, choking sounds came out.

“What’s that? I didn’t quite catch it. Did you say I can do whatever the fuck I want because you shot my —”

My what? Fuck. I couldn’t keep going like this.

“Clay, you don’t have to do this.” Jayce’s voice was still soft behind me, and it made me angry. “I can…”

“You’re bleeding, shut up.” I snapped at him, then turned the gun over. Just because the silencer hadn’t drawn attention the first time didn’t mean it wouldn’t the second. “And you. You came here to send a message to Jayce, right?”

Park nodded as best he could, his eyes wide. He was finally realizing he’d fucked up, but it was entirely too late.

“Good.” I brushed a few strands of hair that stuck in the blood on his forehead back with the butt of the gun. “That’s good. You think you can send a return message for me?”

He nodded again, faster this time.

“Great.” I put the full force of my weight onto his throat at the same time that I brought the gun down on the center of his face. His cry was cut off by the sharp crack of the bones in his throat collapsing, and his eyes sparked with pain for a moment before the light faded out.

I hit him a few more times to make sure he was dead, then whispered softly — soft enough I hoped Jayce couldn’t hear me. “Don’t fuck with things that are mine.”

I pushed away from him before he had a chance to death-rattle more blood on me than I already had.
