Page 41 of Beyond Fate

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I just needed him to exaggerate the facts.

Finally, he settled back in his seat, though the gun was still pointed at my chest. Was he aware I could have taken it from him?

Probably. Which was probably why there were two more men with weapons out in the car. There was a chance I could still manage, but…


I was buying time. This was just about lasting long enough to get some kind of support.

“Come on, Nick. How did you catch me?” I leaned closer when he stayed silent, not foolish enough to touch him with my hands, but my knee brushed against his. For the first time in my life, flirting with someone, using my body… felt…


All I could think of was Jayce and his blue eyes — how those eyes would narrow if he saw me now.

“Apparently, you’re not worth an alliance with the Holden family.” Nick trailed his fingers along my thigh as he spoke — I only just managed to keep myself still beneath his touch. It was easier, since I was focused on his words. “When your bosses realized who my boss was, what his connections really were, they realized there was an opportunity to strike a deal.”

“A deal?” I felt something in my chest tighten as he tickled across the top of my legs.

“Yeah. Marcus Holden could have you, and they wouldn’t hunt him anymore. They wouldn’t kill his precious baby boy, and they’d work together. Imagine, the government running their drugs, using Marcus’ connections, hand-picking particular people to be taken? I’m surprised they weren’t already working together.”

They’d traded me.

They’d traded me like I meant nothing — like I was nothing.

Laughter bubbled from my lips.

“This isn’t going to work out for you, you know? Though, maybe if you’re real sweet to me right now, I can talk Marcus into —”

I cut him off before he could proposition me. Not with words — I grabbed the hand he’d been touching me with, the hand he’d used to hit Jayce, and I broke his fingers.

The sound of his enraged scream was almost worth it when one of the other men sent the butt of their gun crashing across my face to knock me out.

Maybe leaving me unconscious had been the plan all along. I still had no idea where Marcus Holden actually lived as we pulled into a long driveway. I knew it wasn’t the place I’d watched, and a small part of me wanted to roll my eyes at the excess. The man had two mansions? For fun?

“Fuck, what a waste.” I turned my head to test how badly I was injured, and my vision only swam for a moment before righting itself. Beside me, Nick had wrapped his hand, and he was looking at me with malice that might have made another person tremble — honestly, he wasn’t going to do shit to me that Marcus Holden wouldn’t see done by someone worse. Nick was the least of my worries as the car stopped.

There was a thought of refusing to move, trying to make them shoot me here — I wasn’t going to have backup. There was no point in trying to stall.


But no, I couldn’t expect Jayce to be here. Not after I’d lied to him, and especially not after Nick had been the one to tell him. He’d heard me say I was going to bring him in, even though I’d never intended to.

I wouldn’t have broken my phone if I’d really thought about betraying him.

I just…

“I don’t suppose I can try to sweet talk you again? I promise I’ll mean it this time.” My eyes flicked to Nick’s hand. “You aren’t going to get much self-love with those, after all.”

I was rewarded with the feel of his gun pressed beneath my chin again. At least I didn’t freeze up this time, but I did get out of the car when he pushed me. I might have been able to disarm him, but the two men in the car and the two I saw posted at the door were a problem.

Shit, I was in the snake’s den. There were probably a dozen men just waiting to turn me into so much meat if I stepped out of line.

I needed a new strategy. I needed to decide if dying sooner was better than living and wishing I was dead later.

Regardless of the answer, I pulled myself up to walk straight. I wasn’t going to go into the room like a coward — if I thought begging or pleading would help the situation, I might have considered it.

But I knew better.
