Page 52 of Beyond Fate

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“Do you work tonight?” I murmured the words lazily, and he shook his head.


We didn’t need the money — it turned out Jayce had been preparing for something like this for a long time. He’d transferred a ridiculous amount of funds into a separate account, and that account was exactly what had bought us our little house hidden in the hills.

Jayce worked because he didn’t know how to not. I think he worked so he could watch the people around us, so he could keep an ear out in case news came that someone had found us. As far as Rhys knew, they had no idea where we were. As far as he knew, we were safe.

I knew I felt safer than I’d ever felt when Jayce pulled me from the bathroom after we were half-dressed and took me into his arms. The music on his phone had shifted to something slower. I didn’t recognize it, but he smiled and pulled me against him, even though I was only in a pair of pajamas and his shirt was unbuttoned.

“Dance with me?” He whispered it in my ear, soft, sweet… and I couldn’t really resist him when he spoke like that. I went willingly when he wrapped one arm around my waist and gently tangled the other in my hair. It was getting long enough that I couldn’t tame my curls, but I didn’t mind it so much when I felt his nails combing through the strands.

“I love you,” Jayce murmured against the top of my head, and I felt the words warm me from my scalp to my bare feet on the floor. He swayed in time with the slow melody, and I felt his emotions drifting through me as my eyes fluttered shut… and for just a second I could see us.

I could see every facet of us, spiraling out beyond time.

We were infinite — we were a mechanic and an ex-agent swaying to a sweet melody. We were two young men who’d been in love longer than they could remember, wrapped in each other’s arms. We were a heartless killer and a boy with soft, earnest eyes, clinging tight to the only world they had left. And we were two men, a killer and his killer, too late at the end to realize what they could have had.

We were everything all at once.

“I love you, Jayce,” I murmured the words as the song ended.

My lashes fluttered open, and for just a second, I thought I saw a spark of copper in the blue of his eyes — for the same second, his gaze widened like he saw something in me, too. And then he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine and it was just us — two men who had found one another against all odds, against all reason, because fate knew exactly where we belonged.

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