Page 17 of Some Like It Spicy

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“Together?” Her breath caught in her throat. “Like you and me?”

“Yeah, you and me.” He gave her a crooked, boyish smile. “I’m your friend too, right? We can do stuff together.”

There he went with that ‘friend’ word again. Xolani thought of declining his offer because she was definitely not ready to act like his friend. However, she’d already said that she wanted to go to the festival. She couldn’t say ‘no’ without looking like she was backing out of their agreement to be friends.

Besides, it was just a festival. She could handle that, right? There’d be so much going on around them that she wouldn’t even have time to think about jumping his bones.

She forced a smile and jovially declared, “Okay, friend. I guess we’re going to the festival together.”

His smile was just as wide as hers. “I can’t wait.”

A few minutes later, they stopped in front of the building that held her apartment. A friend would’ve said his goodbyes while in the car and waited for her to leave. But Barry leapt out of his car.

“I’ll get the door for you,” he offered as he got out. While Xolani got out of her seatbelt, he circled the car to open the car door for her.

And he called himself a friend? While he was opening doors for her like she was his date?

Maybe he’s just a gentleman? The little voice in her head offered.

Maybe he is, Xolani reluctantly agreed.

“Thank you.” She smiled at him as she got out of the car. “For the ride, and for opening my door.”


“Okay, so this is my stop.” She stood in front of him. As she did so, she was again reminded of just how tall he was. Even though she was wearing heels, he still had a couple of inches on her. “I’ll see you Saturday, right?”

“Right.” He nodded.

What was the protocol for saying goodbye to a new male friend? Was she supposed to just walk off? That was a little too curt, right? Should she shake his hand? Too formal. Or maybe…

Barry made the decision for her. He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her in for a hug. He gathered her tightly into his body in a way many friends would not.

“Oh!” Xolani involuntarily exclaimed at the body contact. A hug was definitely not on her list of ways to say goodbye to a new friend.

The hug was such a surprise that she stood in his embrace with her arms stiffly by the side of her body. However, she felt every millisecond of that hug. She felt how steely, strong, and muscular his arms were as they surrounded her. Her breasts swelled and her nipples stiffened in appreciation of the warm, hardness that was his chest. His groin was just brushing against her, but the sensation was enough to start an ache in her pussy. She was about to push herself closer just so she could really feel his cock when he released her.

“Goodnight,” he said.

The hug could’ve been innocent. But the heat in his eyes as he stepped away from her made it clear that she wasn’t the only one who’d been left with odd, fluttery sensations after its end. His gaze moved from her eyes and straight to her lips. This man… no, this friend was clearly thinking of kissing her.

Should she let him?

No, no, no. The sane voice in her head rushed to stop her. Remember? You can’t date him. He’s too friendly. That’s why it was so easy for him to relegate her to the friend-zone. Now, she had to wonder; how many women was he ‘friends’ with?

“Um… good… goodnight.” She tripped over her words while mentally forcing herself to get the hell away from his friendly behind. “B- bye then.”

She turned on her heels and headed toward her apartment. Though she ached to look back, she was too scared that her wilder side might intervene and send her right back into his arms.

Seconds into her walk, she heard his car start, and soon after, he drove away.

With a relieved sigh, she took the stairs that led up to entrance of the building. As she entered the lobby, a shadow leapt from the right side corner.

“Ah!” she yelped and jumped back, only to find out that the shadow was her brother. She swung her purse at him. “Cam, you scared me.”

Camryn cackled evilly as he deftly avoided her swinging purse. “How can you be a scaredy-cat and a giant at the same time? Pick a lane.”

Xolani scowled fiercely. “I should’ve strangled you in your cradle.”
