Page 21 of Some Like It Spicy

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“You need to get her away from Xo.”


“Isn’t obvious?” Barry stared at his dumb friend. “She’s trying to seduce Xo.”

“So? What’s the big deal about it?” Nigel studied Barry. “I thought Xo was just your friend.”

“She is,” Barry insisted. But the impatience in his tone and the way he kept his eyes on Xolani was enough to make even clueless Nigel give him a raised eyebrow.

The organizers of the festival had done a great job at creating a lively, fun packed event. The venue was a field large enough to hold the huge crowd they’d drawn. Surrounding the field were stalls and food-trucks cooking and serving cuisine from different Latin American countries.

Other than food, there were stands selling handicrafts, related food products, and goods from the event’s sponsors. In the middle of the field were tables with benches and outdoor umbrellas where attendees could rest and eat. At the front was a large stage for performers (bands, singers, dancers, comedians etc) who’d been brought in as entertainment.

Lively music followed Barry and his group around as they walked from stand to stand, admiring and sampling the presented foods. The food was great, but Barry was more interested in getting Xolani to himself. He waited until her hygienist admirer got distracted by someone else then darted to Xolani’s side.

“Come on.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her away. “Let’s go check out the Colombian stand.”

“Huh?” Xolani was startled, but she allowed him to lead her away from the group anyway.

“Jeez! That was hard.” Barry sighed in relief once they were a safe distance away.

She was still confused. “What was hard?”

“Getting you alone.” Still holding her hand, he apologized. “I’m sorry that I brought a team with me. I know you were expecting it to be just us.”

“I don’t mind.” She smiled in that way that always made his heart go bump. “They’re all really nice.”

He waggled his eyebrows. “Not nicer than me, I hope.”

She laughed. “No one could ever be nicer than you.”

Her gaze and tone were just as flirtatious as his, and not at all how platonic friends spoke to each other. But Barry didn’t care. So they were friends who flirted sometimes… big deal!

They headed to the Colombian stand.

“Oh my!” Xolani moaned in delight as she bit into a sweet plantain treat stuffed with cheese. “This is it.”

Her moan went straight to Barry’s dick. If he had the option, he would’ve leaned in and tasted her lips just to see what she was moaning about.

“What is this?” she asked.

The chef had a thick accent and was smiling as he said, “We call those aborrajados. You like?”

“I like very much.” With another delighted hum, she finished off the treat in her hand.

Barry had a hard time keeping his voice even as he asked, “Is it that good?”

“Better than good.” As she picked another piece from the sample plate, she advised, “You should try it.”

A sane man would’ve picked his own from the sample plate, but Barry wasn’t feeling sane at the moment. While Xolani was still holding on to her aborrajado, he leaned closer and bit half of it right out of her hand.

“Oh!” Xolani’s jaw dropped and shock filled her expression.

“Yup!” Barry chewed slowly, pretending he couldn’t see how he’d unnerved her. “It’s fantastic.”

Xolani looked at him, then at the leftover piece of aborrajado left in her hand. He wouldn’t have blamed her if she tossed it into the trash, but she surprised him by popping it into her mouth and smiling. “I told you.”

Honest to God, he felt the world pause. He’d never understood the concept or fascination with indirect kisses until now. Knowing that he and Xolani had had their mouths on the same thing made his lips tingle and fired up his already sizzling senses. He would’ve paid any price to make that indirect kiss a direct one.
