Page 62 of Some Like It Spicy

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“That’s why you shouldn’t come for me, Xo,” Camryn taunted once he was a safe distance from his sister’s hands. “I know all your secrets.”

“Who’s Pastor Day?” Barry asked.

Pastor Day was the senior pastor at their parents’ church. Back when Xolani was sixteen, he’d caught her and her then boyfriend making out behind the church. He’d gone ahead to broadcast it to anyone who had ears. There was even a sermon on nasty teenager sinners. Though no names were mentioned, the Pastor kept casting ‘do you hear me’ glances at the two sinners, making it obvious who he was talking to and about.

After that, whenever Xolani misbehaved, her parents would threaten to tell Pastor Day so he could share it with the whole congregation.

The memory was enough to make Xolani grit her teeth. “You don’t need to know about Pastor Day.”

“But I want to know,” Barry said.

“I want to know too,” Justine chimed in while Nigel looked on curiously like he wanted to know too but couldn’t say the words.

“Me three,” Anika piped up.

Xolani’s traitorous brother lifted his hand. “I’ll tell you.”

That led to a fast-walking chase between the siblings that ended at the food-court. While Xolani tried to silence her brother by first pressing her hand to his mouth then eventually offering bribes, Barry and Nigel found a table that could seat all six of them.

The group settled at the table. Barry and Xolani sat next to each other. Nigel sat next to Barry and opposite Justine. Anika was next to Justine. Camryn sat beside Anika and opposite Xolani. The seating was somewhat deliberate. Justine wanted to be close to Nigel, and Xolani made sure her brother was across from her so she could kick him under the table if he spouted anymore rubbish.

“Okay, what’s everyone having?” Justine handed out menus.

Everyone made their choice. Because Barry and Camryn had offered to cover lunch, they went off to make the orders and pay. When they came back, Xolani’s friends were waiting.

Anika bumped her shoulder against Justine’s as if to give her a signal. Justine nodded at Anika then pounced.

“So, Barry,” she smiled at him. “What do you like about my girl?”

“Justine!” Xolani shot her friend a sharp look.

They’d agreed there’d be no interrogations today. The girls were only here to silently observe how Barry interacted with Xolani and everyone else, then make a judgment about his character.

“What?” Justine tried to fake innocence as she met Xolani’s gaze. “I’m not allowed to even make conversation?”

Xolani glared at her but didn’t say anything.

Justine came back to Barry. “Barry, you don’t mind me making conversation, do you?”

“No, of course not!” Barry was like an innocent ram that didn’t know it was walking into an abattoir. He was all smiles as he answered, “And to answer your question; I like Xo because she’s easy going, easy to talk to, and, might I add…” He gave Xolani a lingering onceover. “Very pretty.”

“Ugh!” Camryn gagged like he was about to hurl. “You need to get your eyes checked, man!”

That earned him an under the table kick.

“Ow!” He glared at Xolani. “What’s that for?”

“I was attempting a factory reset on your brain. It doesn’t seem to be functioning very well.” Xolani smirked. “Next time, I’ll aim higher.”

While the siblings were trading barbs, Justine was still on Barry’s case.

“Aw, that so sweet. I actually feel a toothache coming on from all that sugar,” Justine cooed in response to Barry’s sappy answer. “You must like her very much.”

Barry glanced at Xolani and nodded. “I do.”

His tone, words and look warmed Xolani and started a weird fluttering in her belly. If they were alone, she would’ve kissed him.

“Hmm.” Justine went for the kill. “But not enough to make her official, huh?”

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