Page 68 of Some Like It Spicy

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Clearly, he was doing this to get back at her for not helping him get rid of Misty. And it was working. Xolani wanted to toss a glass of wine at his face. She wanted to smack him in the head with her plate. She wanted to grab him by the hair and drag him right out of the restaurant.

But she smiled and ate on.

Things didn’t get any better from then on. Misty spent the next half-hour or so doing her best to monopolize Barry’s attention, and he icily played ball. It was a wonder that Xolani didn’t stab anyone with one of the steak knives on the table because she was feeling very, very stabby.

Xolani didn’t trust herself to get through dessert without committing murder. So as the server was taking away their dinner plates, she sent Justine a message.

The message simply read; Call me. It’s a 10.29.

10.29 was the code the girlfriends had come up with to identify annoying situations that they needed help getting out of.

Justine, who was incredibly reliable in situations like these, called just seconds later.

Xolani picked the call up immediately, “What’s up, Girl?”

“’Ello, ‘ello, emergency, emergency!” Justine’s bored voice echoed over the line. “We mad mad sick. My elbow is aching. Someone’s kidnapped my highlighter. I broke my face and need you to come do surgery.”

Justine’s wild emergencies almost made Xolani break into laughter. But instead, she gasped loudly. “What?”

Barry and Misty were both immediately interested.

“Repeat that again?” Xolani persisted with the fake dramatics. “What happened to Anika?”

“Oh, Anika is the excuse.” Justine laughed into the phone. “Good choice.”

For the benefit of her audience, Xolani gasped. “Oh my God, girl. You’re not serious. No, she didn’t.”

“Oh, that’s Hollywood level acting,” Justine laughingly complimented over the line. “Get your Oscar, girl.”

“You want me to come right now?” Xolani stood up and grabbed her coat and purse. “I’m on my way.”

“What’s happening with Anika?” Barry asked, his expression concerned.

“Something bad.” Still holding the phone to her ear, Xolani said, “I have to go. You guys have a great time. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”

“Wait!” Barry tried to stop Xolani, but she was already rushing away from the table.

“Bye!” Misty’s happy voice rang behind her.

Xolani didn’t even bother acknowledging the heifer. She just kept fast-walking toward the exit. It was only once she was outside that her steps slowed. The cold night wind that blew against her face brought with it relief as well as disappointment.

How could Barry have put her in such a ridiculous situation?

“Thanks, Justine,” she said into the phone as she walked to her car. “It’s safe now.”

“You’re good?” Justine asked, “Or do I need to call the Men in blue?”

“No, that’s unnecessary,” Xolani assured. “It wasn’t a police-type situation.”

“What kind of situation was it?”

“A complicated situation.” Xolani sighed. “I’ll call you when I get home and tell you everything.”

“Okay.” Justine advised, “Stay safe out there.”

“I will.” Xolani ended the call and got into her car. Twenty minutes later, she was at home.

She expected to spend the rest of night drinking and cussing out Barry. However, just ten minutes after she got in, her door buzzed. She had a guest. Her footsteps heavy, she moved to the door to check who it was. A glance at the intercom screen left her heart pounding like a drum.
