Page 85 of Some Like It Spicy

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“Barry?” She was understandably surprised to see him. From her outfit - a t-shirt and cotton short shorts - it was clear that she wasn’t expecting anyone to visit at this hour. “What are you doing here?”

“I let you stay in my house for a week.” He skirted past her with a duffel bag and three garment bags on hangers. “I think you owe me a week in your house too.”

The excuse was ridiculous, but it was all he could come up with on the spot to explain his arrival.

“You let me st_” Xolani’s disbelief wouldn’t even let her finish the sentence. She followed him into the living room. “Seriously, Barry?”

He dropped the garment bags on the sectional and the duffel bag on the floor before turning to her with his best poor-me impression. He coaxed, “You won’t kick me out, will you?”

She folded her arms over her breasts and stared at him with narrowed eyes. “I should.”

“That means you won’t.” He grinned. “Thank you.”

She tried to stay somber but her mouth lips twitched. “You’re a menace.”

He crossed the room to wrap his arms around her hips and lift her up. “I’m your menace.”

“Put me down, Barry.” She tried to sound intimidating but her smile spoilt the effect. He lowered her down slightly so he could taste that smile. Within minutes that kiss turned into more, and before she could stop him, he hauled over his shoulders and carried her to her bedroom.

Much, much later, they lay in her bed on their backs, both naked, trying to catch their breaths and recover their energy after a vigorous sex session

Panting between words, Xolani said, “Be honest you attended a school for this, right?”

Barry chuckled. “A school?”

“Yeah. I’ve heard of schools that teach men how to seduce women so I’m sure there are sex schools too.” She watched him with narrowed eyes. “You attended one, didn’t you?”

“Nah.” He gestured at his body. “This is all natural talent.”

“Well, you need to be careful with that natural talent of yours.” She threatened, “If you keep this up, I might decide to make you my hostage and never let you go.”

With a laugh, he turned his head and met her eyes. “Hostage? That’s a lot of effort. Why do it the hard way when there’s an easier way?”

“There’s an easier way? Oooh!” Her eyes lit up. “I’m all ears.”

He suggested, “Make me your boyfriend, and I’ll never leave.”

The words slipped out before he even thought them through. By the time he realized what he’d said, Xolani’s eyes had already widened in shock. His brain screamed at him to say, ‘it’s a joke’, but his voice and lips refused to let those words out.

“Ha ha ha. Very funny.” She awkwardly tried to save the moment. “You’re such a joker.”

His mouth and voice decided that this was the right time to speak. “I’m not joking.”

“What?” She didn’t even voice the word. She just mouthed it.

Backtracking would have been so easy, but he couldn’t find it in himself to do it. He turned his body so he was fully facing her. More serious than he’d ever been in his life, he said, “I’m serious, Xo. I want to be your boyfriend.”



No way!

Shock couldn’t even begin to describe the emotions that swept through Xolani. She blinked several times as her brain struggled to absorb then process what he’d just said. He wanted to be her boyfriend? Was this a fevered creation of her mind? Had she heard him wrong?

Gaping, she asked, “You’re kidding, right?”

Barry’s gaze remained locked on her. “Do I look like I’m kidding?”
