Page 87 of Some Like It Spicy

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His smile disappeared and his brow furrowed. “Do you still think that about me?”

“How can I not?” She reminded him, “Just the other day, we had Misty following us around like a damn stalker because you’re too friendly with her.”

Barry said, “Misty has been dealt with.”

Xolani snorted in disbelief.

“It’s true. I’ve dealt with her.” He explained, “Last week, I had a serious conversation with her. I made it clear that I wasn’t interested in her and if she continued with her overtures, I would escalate to HR. She got the message.”

“You really had a conversation with her?” Xolani was surprised. She had never thought that he had it in him to make threats.

“I did.” He turned to grab his phone from the nightstand and held it out to her. “Check my phone. She hasn’t called or texted since then.”

“I believe you.” Xolani pushed the phone back to him. Even though she felt a wave of happiness on the inside, she kept her expression solemn. “But it still took you too long to handle her. It shouldn’t have even gotten to the stalking stage. You should’ve cut her off right from the beginning and not just when it got weird. I don’t want to be with someone who lets things get right on a knife’s edge before handling them.”

“Okay.” He readily offered, “Next time. I’ll be faster.”

Her eyebrows flew up. “There’ll be a next time?”

“You know what I mean.” While playing with her fingers, he said, “You still haven’t given me an answer. Will you date me?”

She wanted to scream ‘yes’, but her doubts and past held her tongue. What if another Misty appeared? Would he be able to handle her promptly? Or would the woman be a thorn in Xolani’s backside for a while? As much as Xolani liked Barry, she wasn’t interested in being in another relationship where she was competing with other women.

Barry seemed to read her mind. While she was still struggling to decide her answer, he said, “I admit, I can be a pushover sometimes. I tend to avoid situations that may cause conflict, and I have a hard time being mean_”

“It’s not being mean.” She corrected, “It’s being firm.”

“I have a hard time being firm. But I’m working on it.” He promised, “If we date, I’ll make sure it’s not a problem. You’ll never have to worry about other women coming between us.”

It was a sweet speech, but she’d heard it before. Her ex had also vehemently assured her that his ‘friend’ would never come between them. And look what had happened.

Still, this was Barry. In all the time she’d known him, he’d been a man of his word. Everything about him screamed trustworthy and sincere.

Her heart wanted to trust him, but her brain still needed to figure out if he was different from her exes or just the same.

“I… I don’t know.” She hedged. “Can you give me a few days to think on it?”

Disappointment immediately filled his eyes. He tried to cover it with a smile. “I guess I can wait.”

His disappointment was like a stab to her heart. It left her feeling guilty and bad for him. He’d opened up to her and made himself vulnerable, yet she couldn’t give him the answer he wanted to hear.

She turned her hand in his so she was the one holding his hand now. She squeezed. “I’m sorry. I wish I had an immediate answer for you. But I just_”

“You don’t need to apologize or explain.” He cupped her face with his free hand and came closer to press his lips to hers. “Dating is a serious matter, and I prefer someone who takes their time thinking over it rather than someone who just jumps in carelessly. That’s part of why I like you so much. You’re not impulsive. Take as much time as you need. I’ll still be here when you have your answer. I’m not going anywhere.”

His easy acceptance made her like him even more. Some men would’ve gotten mad and thrown a tantrum. But Barry was more concerned about soothing her and easing her guilt. For a second, she considered saying ‘yes’ right there and then. However, she held back.

She needed to think.

A DAY LATER, XOLANI SOUGHT her girlfriends’ advice.

“For real?” Justine’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets when she heard what had happened. “He really asked you out?”

Xolani nodded. “He did.”

The two ladies were at Gazegas Sports Bar, having after-work drinks while chatting. Anika was supposed to join them, but she hadn’t arrived yet. As usual, the bar was filled with people from all walks of life, but neither Xolani nor Justine noticed anyone else. They were too engrossed in their conversation.

“Well, well, well. Look who finally put on his big boy pants. It’s about damn time.” Grinning, Justine clapped slowly. “Congratulations! After three years of drought, it’s finally raining in your yard.”
