Page 13 of Stalked By the King

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"Everything?" I choke out, fear gripping my heart.

"About your true identity, of course," he says, taking a step closer. "But don't worry, King Henry. I'm sure she'll take the news well."

I sprint towards the garden, my heart pounding like thunder. Dread floods my veins as I imagine Jane's broken expression, her tear-streaked face filled with betrayal.

"Jane," I gasp when I finally find her, sitting on a stone bench with her head in her hands. "Please let me explain-"

"Explain what, Your Majesty?" she spits out, her eyes filled with hurt and anger. "How you lied to me from the very beginning? How you used me for your own pleasure?"

"Jane, I never meant to hurt you," I plead, my voice cracking with emotion. "I love you."

"Love?" she scoffs, tears streaming down her cheeks. "You don't even know the meaning of the word."

"Jane, I'm sorry," I whisper, reaching for her hand, but she flinches away.

"Stay away from me!" she screams, her voice echoing through the garden. "I never want to see you again!"

"Please, Jane-" But she's already gone, running through the garden like a wounded animal, leaving me alone with my shattered heart and broken dreams.




I can feel the heat of the sun on my cheeks as I run away from the castle, my heart heavy with the weight of reality. The way Henry looked at me today…it's burned into my memory, and I can't help but replay it in my mind.


My name echoes through the courtyard, interrupting my fleeing thoughts. It's Henry's voice—desperate, passionate. I glance back to see him burst out of the castle doors, his eyes locked on me like a predator. His strong legs propel him forward, muscles rippling beneath his fine clothing. My breath catches in my throat.

The kingdom's officials, dressed in their stiff uniforms and expressionless masks, had been gathered in the courtyard for some kind of important meeting. But now, they all stand frozen, staring at their king as he races towards me, their mouths hanging open in disbelief. They must be thinking: what could possibly possess King Henry Brody to chase after a commoner?

"Get out of my way!" Henry roars at the servants who scramble to clear a path for him. There's a wildness in his eyes, a raw intensity that sends shivers down my spine. He's leaving everything behind for me—his kingdom, his duty, his reputation. And as much as I want to resist the pull of this forbidden love, I can't deny the desire welling up inside me.

As he approaches, I feel my body trembling, my pulse racing with anticipation. The scent of his cologne fills my nostrils, and I'm intoxicated by it. The world around us fades away, leaving just the two of us in this moment—our love a chaotic whirlwind threatening to tear us both apart.

"Jane," he pants, his breath hot against my face as he reaches me. "I don't care about protocol or what's expected of me. I want you."

I can't breathe. My body is frozen in shock. My heart pounds wildly against my chest, threatening to burst from the overwhelming intensity of his gaze.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I stammer, my voice barely audible over the sound of my own racing pulse. He doesn't answer, only reaches for my hands and grips them tightly, as if afraid I might slip away from him.

"Jane," he breathes, his eyes burning into mine with a raw, primal hunger that sends shivers down my spine. "I can't hide it any longer. I love you, more than anything in this world."

My knees buckle as the weight of his words crashes over me like a tidal wave. How can someone so powerful, so untouchable, possibly love someone like me?

"Say something, Jane," he pleads, fear creeping into his voice as he searches my face for any sign of reciprocation. But I'm lost, drowning in the intoxicating depths of his eyes, unable to form a coherent thought.

"But…you’re the king," I whisper, searching for some semblance of reason in the chaotic whirlwind of emotions engulfing me.

"To hell with my title," he swears, his grip on my hands tightening, grounding me in the present moment. "I’ll give it up if I have to. All I care about is you. I can’t lose you, Jane."

My body trembles, torn between the forbidden lust surging through my veins and the terrifying reality of the consequences we could face. Yet as I stare into his eyes, I see nothing but sincerity and vulnerability, a side of him that no one else has ever seen.

"Y-yes," I confess, my voice barely audible as I surrender to the desire coiling within me. "I love you too, Henry."

His face breaks into a wide smile, his eyes shining with relief and joy as he pulls me close, our bodies colliding in an explosive collision of raw need and passion.
