Page 5 of Daring Enzo

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“Okay. I don’t see what I did wrong. I was just trying to protect my sister,” I say calmly. That was all it was.

“Pah!” She seems disbelieving and laughs, her eyes looking wild, like she’s gone crazy. “Protect your sister? You beat up every boy who so much as looked in her direction.”

“Yeah,” I shrug. “I mean, why would they be looking at her?”

She glares down at the drinks on the table as if she wants to drink all of them and end this conversation. Instead, she glares at me.

“Alessia’s not an object and definitely not your property. She’s a human with agency,” she grits out. “You don’t need to ‘protect’ her.”

Her hands go up in quotes when she says "protect".

“Technically yeah, that’s not wrong.”

She’s Michael’s wife now, anyway, so she’s not my responsibility anymore. I’d be overstepping Michael’s boundaries to input myself into her life the same way again.

I have a feeling that’s not what she means, though. Deciding to let it go, I smile, giving her my best flirtatious grin. Her eyes widen and I see the slight intake of breath and catch her looking away immediately. I pick up my drink and take a sip, hiding my chuckle behind the glass. Yeah, I still got it.

“What’s your name?” I ask, setting my glass down on the wooden saucer.

“Why in the world would I tell you?” she asks, looking back at me. It’s her turn to fold her arms over her chest, her brows raising. The action only brings my attention to her boobs. Would those fit in my…

I sigh and tap my fingers against the table. “Don’t be difficult. I could just ask my sister.”

Her eyes glaze over with irritation as she looks in the direction of the bathroom, running her hands up and down her thighs. My eyes are drawn to the sight. I feel another stirring in my loins, even though I know her actions are the farthest from being sexual or seductive. I swallow the groan that’s bubbling up my throat and look back at her face just as she speaks again.

“Difficult?” her voice is clear and tight. She is angry. “I think you’ll learn I’m the most difficult woman you’ll ever meet in your life.”

Hmm indeed. This is a challenge. I don’t back down from challenges. Now, I’m excited. I want to say more, but she gets up, her fingers wrapping around her purse.

“You’re leaving? What about your friends’ drinks?” I ask, hoping it’ll be enough to get her to sit back down. I have a feeling ordering her to sit will get a cup broken over my head.

A part of me wants to go ahead with it. Watching her eyes flare with rage and the way her lips tighten makes me want to push her even farther. She has the temper of a redhead, and I want to see how bright she’ll burn when she allows her anger to overtake her. I grin into my glass, keeping my thoughts to myself. I hold back my laughter when she looks like she’s trying to read my thoughts. I doubt she’ll like the direction they’re leading.

She looks at the almost empty glasses on the table and shrugs, mind made up. “Eh, it’s fine. We can just get some more… when you’re gone.” She says the last part pointedly, making sure I get her meaning.

She glares at me one more time and turns toward the restroom for her friends. I watch her plump ass sway in her dress, wishing the open back in the design dipped just a little lower. I rub my thumb over my bottom lip, my eyes never straying until she disappears in the restroom.

Fuck, this wedding is turning out to be more complicated than I thought.



“Isaid I won’t get drunk. I said nothing about being tipsy,” I drawl as I stumble through the hallways of the hotel, Alessia and Michael completely rented out for guests who wanted to stay back after the wedding.

The party ended really late. It’s two in the morning. Everyone began trickling upstairs to their rooms an hour ago when Alessia and Michael drove off to the airport for their honeymoon. My friends and I are among the last to stop partying. The girls are extremely drunk. Being tipsy for me means I’m the only one sober enough to get everyone to their rooms safely.

“Come on,” I groan through gritted teeth as I drag a drunk Jenna along with me while Louisa hums a tune.

They’d danced all night after drinking too much, encouraged by the wonderful music and the hoots and cheers of the others around them. Without enough alcohol in my system, I couldn’t keep up with their energy. Knowing when to give up, I’d sat back down and allowed them to have their fun until they grew tired.

A part of me had thought Alessia’s brother would come find me again when he saw I was alone. I’m still annoyed at our conversation at the bar. I’ve never met a man who makes me want to hurl something at him so much. I beat down the part of me that thought it was exciting.

We don’t do nasty men here. We’re mean enough as is!

“You should’ve drunk more with us,” Jenna says, grinning wildly with her eyes closed. I roll my eyes. Of course, they say it now after reminding me all day I was the designated mom.

I drank a lot with them, but no matter how irresponsible I liked to be, I couldn’t allow myself to get plastered. Not when I knew how mad Jenna would be later if we were drunk with no one to make sure we ended up in our respective rooms. I also kept from drinking because I didn’t trust myself to go back and entertain Enzo. I could feel his eyes on me for a long time after our talk. His delicious cologne was hard to ignore when he was sitting right beside me.
