Page 57 of Daring Enzo

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His behavior is toxic, exactly what I'm trying to change in myself.

This journey to change is far from easy, but it's necessary… for myself, for Kelly, and for everyone whose lives I've touched and will touch.

For the child, I will have.

The sun has started its descent, casting a warm golden hue through the windows of the community center. A gentle breeze carries the distant sounds of laughter from the park nearby. It is in this serene setting I find myself engaged in a heart-to-heart conversation with some of the teenagers.

Across the hall, Emily watched with a distant look in her eyes, absentmindedly twirling her hair. "Mr. Lombardi, how do you find the courage to face your fears?" Her voice is soft, carrying the weight of her uncertainties.

Facing fears. If only they knew. I'm still learning myself.

"It's about taking small steps, Emily," I begin, meeting her gaze. "Courage isn't the absence of fear; it's the willingness to act despite it."

"But what if I mess up?" Her voice wavers, revealing her apprehension.

"We all stumble, Emily. It's part of the journey. What matters is picking yourself up and continuing forward," I encourage, hoping to instill a sense of resilience.

Teaching these teenagers helped me to teach myself.

Meanwhile, Mark, a spirited and talkative boy, chimes in eagerly. "Mr. Lombardi, do you ever regret things you've done in the past?" His words spill out in rapid succession.

Regrets. I have a lot of those.

"Of course, Mark. We all have moments we wish we could change," I admit, thinking about all my past relationships and my wrongdoings against Alessia and, most recently, Kelly.

"But how do you move on?" he inquires, his eyes wide with curiosity.

"By accepting and forgiving yourself, Mark," I reply, speaking each word to myself as I have heard so often from Dr. Wilburn. "Accepting we're all flawed, and that's okay. It's about learning and growing from our mistakes."

"You know, Mr. Lombardi, talking to you makes things seem not so bad," Sarah, a quiet girl who had been listening intently, finally speaks up.

It helps me more than you.

"That's because you're not alone, Sarah. We're all here to support each other," I affirm.

As the day wanes, the conversation slowly simmers down, leaving a tranquil atmosphere in its wake. These kids are resilient, despite the challenges they face. They inspire me to confront my demons and strive for a better future after dealing with mine.

The sun begins to set, casting a warm glow over the community center. The teenagers start to leave for the day, thanking me as they go. I watch with a sense of fulfillment, knowing I've made a small difference in their lives.

This is where I belong: here, among these young souls who are striving for a better tomorrow. As I gather my things to leave, Stanley approaches with a smile. "Enzo, how was your day?"

I offer him a nod. "It was good. I had some meaningful conversations with the kids. I think Ruben needs special counseling.. and soon. He was very controlling with his girlfriend Laurel today. It reminded me of myself."

Stanley nods in agreement. "Hmm, I have noticed too at times. Thanks for bringing it up with me again. Your presence here means a lot to them."

It means a lot to me too.



Four months later…

“Be careful,” Molly says as she holds the door open for me. I smile gratefully at her and adjust the bundle in my hands against the curve of my shoulder.

“Thank you.” My voice comes out weaker and softer than I had intended, my eyes blinking away the tiredness. Sleep plagues me, yet I struggle to keep my eyes wide open.

“You should get some rest as soon as possible, Kelly,” Mom soothed, her eyes filled with protectiveness and warmth causing my tired smile to widen.
