Page 68 of Silk & Sand

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Those hills meant it was almost time for Seth and Raider to part ways with the Sudai. Which meant not only saying goodbye to the tribe—and Raider despised goodbyes—but also that they were within a few days of Aqarat.

Raider didn’t like to think about that.

Raider was actually trying not to think about anything, though his efforts weren’t very successful.

Even if he was failing to keep his mind empty, at least by riding at the back of the caravan he could avoid talking to people. Normally, he liked talking to people, but right now with the Sudai, it would be those painful, winding-down conversations before parting. And with Seth …

Raider wasn’t sure.

It had shaken him to come like that last night. Restrained. Vulnerable.

He’d wanted it. He wasn’t sure why, but he’d wanted Seth to fuck him like that: roughly, possessively, in total control of Raider’s body. Raider had wanted to trust him. The hard thing, maybe, was that Seth had proven himself deserving of that trust—which made Raider want to trust him more.

And that scared him.

Then there had been after. The way Seth had held him. The way he’d cleaned Raider up, as he had that first night, so fucking tender.

Seth hadn’t let Raider sleep on his side again. He’d been subtle about it, hadn’t said anything about Raider being so stiff after that first night. He’d simply nudged Raider onto his back when he’d started to doze on his side, making sure Raider was comfortable.

Maybe that was why Raider had needed him during the night, why he’d rolled over Seth and started kissing him, why they’d fucked again.

It had been less rough the second time, almost … loving. They had lain on their sides, Seth entering him from behind. Seth had held tight as he’d pumped smoothly into Raider. He’d told Raider to stroke himself, to make it feel good. And, gods, it had.

It always did, with Seth.

They hadn’t spoken much in the morning because mornings were busy with breaking camp and loading the animals, the caravan getting moving in the dimness before the heat began. Raider had drifted to the back of the line, losing Seth in the long train.

But Seth, apparently, had not lost him.

Raider spotted him ahead, off to the side where he’d halted his horse. His white kaftan stood out against the undulating golden terrain, harder and rockier with every footstep. It stood out even against the Sudai’s bright robes and saddle blankets.

Seth would stand out anywhere.

Raider’s stomach knotted as Umae drew near to Seth’s gelding, whom Fahet had named Rompu, which was a tough medicinal plant that grew in rocky places and treated stomachaches. As names went, it wasn’t bad. It was definitely better than Socks.

“Why are you back here?” Seth asked.

His kaftan’s hood was up, covering his light brown hair, shading his face. The shadows, however, did little to dim the intensity of his expression.

“Someone has to be.”

Seth turned his horse to start it walking beside Raider’s. Rompu sniffed Umae, who pinned her ears.

After a while, Seth said, “Last night—”

“Was good. Leave it at that.”

“I can’t. Not when I can tell you’re upset.”

“I’m not upset.”

“Then what are you?”

Raider’s heart skipped at the question.

Of course, Seth was referring to his feelings, not to all the quicksilver in his body, but even about his feelings Raider couldn’t be completely honest—because Seth had been right. Sex had changed things.

It never had before, not for Raider. He didn’t understand why it was different with Seth, and he wasn’t ready to talk about that. Besides, there was no point in talking about it, not with Aqarat growing closer with every mile.
