Page 74 of Dr. Aster

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“Your brother will not get mad if you have sexual intercourse with his wife?” Omar questioned.

“Oh, he’ll fucking kill both of us,” I answered.

Honk! Honnnnnnnk!

“Hold on, wrong way,” Omar proclaimed in panic after I gripped the headrest in front of me to brace myself after Omar turned onto a one-way street.

“Holy shit,” I yelled.

I guess fucking around and distracting the Uber driver wasn’t my best idea. All we needed was to have a head-on collision to seal the deal on how many times I could fuck myself over tonight.

What the hell was going on here? Maybe it was just this particular date, and I was trying too hard, but I really wasn't when I thought about it.

There was no way I would accept that the Universe was trying to tell me that Mickie and I had no business doing this and that we would both somehow end up hurt. There was no way in hell that happened in real life.

If there was one thing I knew, everything about this felt right and was right. A couple of weird things to stop it wouldn’t prevent me from pursuing the only woman I’d ever wanted. This was going to end well, and one way or another, Mickie would end up in my arms, and all this bullshit trying to stop us would be something we laughed about tomorrow.

That’s if Omar didn’t get us killed first.

Chapter Twenty-Six


It was more of a blessing than a curse that my and John’s intimate scene was cut short by my hand being rammed into that glass picture frame. Something told me we were going too fast for where we were in this relationship, and maybe we weren’t ready for that level.

I had plenty of time to think about how it could’ve absolutely wrecked me if we’d had sex, and the following day, he wasn’t interested anymore. I knew how players played, and I’d watched my friends get crushed by emotionally unavailable men. That was not a road I wanted to haul my ass down. There was no closure when that happened, nothing. It was just grief, and it was devastating to watch my girlfriends bounce out of that.

I didn’t know what to expect from all this, but the fact that I had all this doubt and confusion was enough to make me think I was in a better and safer place after arriving at this hospital for stitches than heading into rounds and rounds of glorious pleasure with John Aster.

“Thanks, man,” John said humbly as we stepped out of the Uber.

It was easy to see John felt like shit after his silly charade in the back seat of the Uber sent poor Omar up a one-way road and nearly into multiple head-on collisions.

“I promise, the tip will prove how sorry I am for messing around with you.”

Omar nearly peeled out of the hospital, rightfully never wanting to see John again.

“Well, that’s awesome,” I said, holding my aching and throbbing hand. “You’ve officially pissed off the Uber driver. Now, he’s going to tell all his friends, and we’ll be walking back to the hotel.”

John placed an arm around me and gently guided me through the automatic doors of the emergency room, “Once he sees his tip, he’ll have no complaints. Besides, we’re not going back to that cursed hotel room?—”

“Cursed hotel room?” I said, looking at him while we stood behind four people waiting to check themselves into this place. “Maybe it’s us? Maybe we’re the cursed ones?”

“Don’t get all superstitious on me,” he said, eyeing the people in front of us, most likely trying to assess their needs compared to mine. “All we did was suffer a mishap because we got a little too excited about where it was all going.”

I smiled at him, “Well, I think it was a blessing in disguise.”

“I agree,” he answered, smiling at me, “because now you will get to know me better as I support you through a doctor’s visit to the ER. It’s like we’re a real couple already.”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” I answered, stepping up to the window to fill out the forms. “Well, perhaps?”

“See,” he said proudly, “all we need are outings like this—without sex—for you to appreciate how deep my feelings are for you.”

“That could be very true, given that we’ll both probably be sitting in this crowded ER all night—without sex—only to realize I might not need stitches after all. This will test your patience and your mood.”

He rolled his eyes as he led me through the jam-packed ER to stand against a wall since there were no available seats.

“I’m the most patient man you’ll ever meet. And my moods don’t change based on getting a piece of ass.”
