Page 106 of Darkest Desires

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“Thank you for seeing me and for explaining.” My voice sounded stronger than I felt, and I couldn’t help but cry harder. “I’ll go.” I untangled myself from his arms, kissing his fingers through my tears. “I love you.”

Reign watched me, an unreadable expression on his face.

I prayed he’d run after me and stop me from leaving, but he didn’t. I held it together as I left, letting the door close. Only then did I let the tears fall. This whole thing was a mess. I know I fucked up—but Reign had a part to play too. I didn’t blame him for not wanting more. Shame washed over me as I reached Tye’s truck, and I rested my head against the car door, banging it against it lightly.

“You fuckingidiot, Lizzie.”

My mind whirred, and I took a breath to steady myself. I needed a new job and somewhere to live.

It’s time for me to start again.

Ignoring the pain in my chest, I took one last look at Reign’s house.

I’ll never love anyone like I love him.



It must have been an hour since Elizabeth left, and I was surrounded by smashed glass and flowers. I should’ve stopped her leaving, but I didn’t want to. I couldn’t. My rage wasn’t aimed at her anymore—it was at AJ. The fucking bastard ruined my relationship with Elizabeth by drugging her, abusing her, and turning her against me.

She must’ve been so scared.

My blood boiled, and somehow, I was in my car, driving without focusing on where I was going. But there was only one place I wanted to go to. The streets were quiet as I zipped through them, my temper getting the better of me as I imagined AJ touching Elizabeth.MyElizabeth.

I’ll kill him.

But it was pointless doing that because then I would be the murderer that Elizabeth feared. However, I had calmed down enough when I parked the car beside AJ’s iron gates, pushing them open without any resistance.

The house looked innocent enough, but I knew what depravities hid there. A man like AJ didn’t ever change. I considered sneaking in, but that was pointless, too. AJ would’ve seen me walking in on CCTV — If he was paying attention, that was.

I rapped on the door, not caring if he had company. My fists clenched at my sides, but I knew if I knocked him out before we’d even spoken, the whole thing was pretty much a lost cause.

AJ took his time answering the door, but when he did, my fist rammed into his face so hard something cracked; it could be my bones or his, but either way, I didn’t care.

So much for not losing it.

“You prick!”

Two blondes were asleep and naked on the sofa, glasses of champagne strewn on the cocaine-laced table beside them.

More fucking victims.

“If you wanted to take part, all you had to do was ask,” AJ muttered from the floor, scowling as he gripped his cheek. “You’re fucking insane.”

“Take part?” I hissed, bringing my foot back to slam into his stomach. I lost control and rained punches into his smug face as he laughed, spitting blood as he did.

“This is about Lizzie, isn’t it?” He said.

Her name stopped me mid-flow, and I stepped back, staring down at him.

“Don’tfucking say her name.”

AJ held his hands up, moving to his feet. “Gimme a minute, Reign; I know why you’re pissed.”

This prick soundsexasperated.

Is he for real?
