Page 113 of Grayson & Hartley

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When I drive out to the property, I’m greeted by Celeste, who I’ve not yet met but have heard so much about.

“It’s nice to finally put a name to a face,” she says, shaking my hand as Georgia introduces us.

“Likewise.” I smile.

Georgia, of course, gives me a hug and tells me we need to set up a girls’ night at Moose’s and ride the Raging Moose just for kicks.

“You look all dressed up with nowhere to go,” Georgia comments, noting my skirt suit and briefcase.

“I’m actually here to see Gray. He’s expecting me.”

“Ugh, don’t tell me that bitch is still making my brother’s life difficult?” Georgia sighs.

“Oh, I know all about difficult breakups,” Celeste says. “Let’s just say I kissed a few frogs before finding my way back to Stoney Creek, and the man I left behind.”

Ah, the Bassett cousin, Callan. I’ve heard all about their story, and about her shitty break up before she returned. But it just goes to show that love can conquer all in the end. “I’m glad that you found your way back to one another,” I say. “And this property is stunning. I can see why you’d want to come back here. I’ve been a city girl most of my life, but I don’t even know if I could ever go back to it.”

Celeste smiles warmly and I instantly like her. “It grows on you fast,” she agrees.

“Did my brother show you Coyote Run yet?” Georgia inquires, raising a brow.

“He did,” I say, quickly adding, “All assets have to be declared when going through a divorce.”

She smiles wickedly, giving me a knowing look. “Uh, huh. It’s a damn fine piece of property. I don’t know how much Gray has told you, but he’s having plans drawn up for the house. He hopes to start as soon as fall. Don’t know how much he’ll get done before winter hits, but Callan has offered to help.”

Without a doubt everyone around here offers to pitch in, as close-knit communities tend to do.

He has hired a local contractor, but I know he’s going to do a lot of the work himself as he seems to favor the old ways of doing things. He also wants to use recycled materials and combine some old with the new. Something I quite admire.

“It’s a big undertaking, but I’ve no doubt Gray can achieve it. He’s a very determined man.”

Georgia’s grin broadens. “Not that I want to know, but please tell me the vibes I’m getting from the two of you aren’t just a figment of my imagination.”

I’m a little shocked, but I keep my voice steady. I don’t like lying to people, but we can’t tell anyone about us until the papers are signed. “We’re working together closely, and I admire and respect your brother,” I say, my tone steady and professional. “That can often be mistaken for vibes, I guess. I like him as a person. He's been through an absolute nightmare. But it’s my job to see this through until the end, and essentially make sure he isn’t gonna be screwed by a woman, who’s so far beneath him, she couldn’t find a shovel big enough to dig her way to the surface of the rock she’s been living under.”

They both look at me with big eyes, then simultaneously fall about laughing.

Georgia slaps her knees. “I knew you’d love her,” she says to Celeste.

“You’re not even kidding. She’s one of us.”

Georgia links her arm through mine. “It’s okay. If you’re boning him, your secrets are safe with me and Celeste. I get how it works.” She gives me a wink. “Client, attorney privilege and all of that. But I’ve seen a change in my brother, and it’s only since you got to town.”

“I have to say, I agree with you, George. Gray has been way less grumpy than usual. He’s not even been picking fights with Gabe these last few weeks. The two even got through a meeting without throwing punches. Wonders will never cease,” Celeste laughs.

“I’m sure it’s because he’s home, surrounded by the people he loves,” I go on. Trying not to let them fluster me. They mean well, but if this gets out, it could be disastrous for both of us. “And he’s where his heart belongs; on the property he’s loved since he was a boy. This place is special, it’s in the air and all around. You have an amazing family. I’m lucky to be part of it in some small way, even if it is just managing Gray’s divorce.”

It won't be much longer, but when I show Gray what that woman has presented, I fear he's going to hit the roof.

“Tosh!” Georgia says as Celeste goes to answer the telephone. We begin walking to where I assume is Gray’s office, which I haven’t yet seen. She taps her nose. “I’ve got what you might call a sixth sense. Gray likes to call it woo-woo. And he may laugh behind my back, like all my brothers do, but I’m rarely ever wrong when it comes to instincts.”

I try not to laugh, but she’s just so damn cute. And Gray was right, she’s very nosy, too. She can sniff out trouble faster than a bloodhound.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“I’m just saying, think about it. You and Gray. He’s smart. Funny, when he’s not being a dick and making fun of my woo-woo ideas, that is. He’s got his head on right; he always has. I can’t say the same for my other brothers, but Gray has always known deep down what he wants and where he’s going. He had a plan, and those plans were ruined when his ex cheated on him,” she says. “I’m just glad he realized his worth and got out when he did. He could have stayed and tried to salvage the relationship, but betraying someone like Grayson is unforgivable. It’s the end. Finito. Not happening. She was dead to him the second he saw her with her ass in the air. I'll never see a Chesterfield in the same way again.”

Of course, I know how strongly Gray feels about betrayal, and I can’t blame him.
