Page 114 of Grayson & Hartley

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He would never have lived happily ever after with that woman. Getting out after a decade is hard, but it could’ve been a lot longer. He’s still young enough to have all the things he wants. I just hope that he may see me in his future.

“I agree. Loyalty is the one thing that can’t be compromised on. You can’t buy it or put a price on it,” I say. “I think it’s the one thing a relationship will struggle to come back from. I’m just sad to see that he was hurt in all of this. He deserves so much better.”

“He does,” she says, her voice hushed as we get to his open door. “And I know who that someone could be…”

I turn to tell her again that it’s not like that, but she’s already practically skipping down the hall, back the way she came as Gray stands to greet me.

“Good morning,” he says, his face looks a little ashen. “I got your text.”

“Yes. I’m sorry to do this at work, but with your schedule, I thought it may be better for me to come here.”

He nods, putting his hand on the small of my back as he leads me inside. He closes the door behind us, and before I take another step, he’s in front of me, cupping my face as he presses his lips to mine.

“Missed you last night,” he mutters, kissing me over and over as I reciprocate.

“Me too. But I have to spend some time with my dad and Linda,” I laugh. “I can’t keep blowing them off because I want to rush off and spend the night with my client.”

“Ooh, I like the sounds of that. Your client. Tell me, Miss Chambers. What would you do to me if I disobeyed your rules?”

He nips my bottom lip, and it goes straight to my core. “You already did. We’ve been breaking the rules since the very first day, remember?”

“Hmm. Something about you makes me act like a lovesick schoolboy.”

“And something about you makes me forget that I’m not supposed to be falling into your bed every night until this is over with.”

“Fuck that,” he murmurs, his tongue finding mine as he grinds his hard cock into my hip and I sigh.

“God, Gray. Your sister could come barging in at any moment. By the way, I think she’s onto us.”

He rolls his eyes, ignoring me as he nips my neck, and I run my hands through his already disheveled hair. “Why, what did she say?”

“She said you call it woo-woo, and her instincts are never wrong. Then she gave me a rundown of all your positive attributes.”

He snickers. “Aw. My little sister went into bat for me. Even though she annoys the fuck out of me, I can’t fault her loyalty.”

“Yeah, and I can’t fault her accuracy, either. She knows things, Gray. The smirk on her face said it all. Are we being too obvious?”

He shakes his head. “Only to the few who truly know me. I only told Hudson, he’s good as gold. Gabe, though, he’s another one in the family who smells a rat before anyone else does. It’s in his inquisitive nature. Pretty soon, this will all be over and then we can?—”

He pulls back as I look up at him. “We can what, Gray?”

He swallows hard. “I want you to be my girlfriend. I want to date you properly. Take you out on the town, hold your hand. Kiss you in public, hell, grope you in public if I so wish. I can’t stand all this sneaking around and always looking over our shoulders.”

“I totally agree. I would love all of those things.” I sigh.

That brings me to what I came here to say. And it isn’t pretty. “Though we should get to the reason I’m here, before we get too distracted.”

He takes a long breath, letting go of my face as he steps back. “You’re right. I always get ahead of myself whenever you’re around. Please, take a seat.”

I do and I brace myself for the news and how he’ll take it.

Maybe I’ll start with the good news first.

He sits behind his desk and I place my briefcase down on the floor next to me.

“The good news is she’s agreed to the terms, but is now specifically requesting all the furniture as part of the settlement. That equates to a couple hundred thousand dollars, so you may want to…”

“I don’t care. She can have it. I should’ve set fire to that damn Chesterfield as a parting gift.” He sounds bitter, and I try not to get off course. He needs to hear this.
