Page 115 of Grayson & Hartley

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“What’s the bad news?”

I clear my throat. “Well, it surprised me when Mr. Steeples came back with her offer.”

He snorts. “Let me guess, there’s a clause, right?”

I meet his gaze. “Yes. But it’s probably not as bad as you think.”

“Hit me with it.” He sits back in his chair, folding his muscular arms over his chest.

I don’t even have half a second to appreciate him, because I know the next blow is going to run him over like a freight train.

“She wants to see you again.”



My mouth falls open.

“What did you just say?”

Hartley clears her throat once again. “I said she wants to see you, Gray. Specifically? Dinner, according to the email.”

I run a hand over my face.. “You’ve gotta be shitting me?”

She winces slightly. “I’m not. And if you agree, without lawyers, then she said she’ll sign.”

I close my eyes for a moment. I’m sure all the stress and tension shows on my face. I want this done and she’s just playing games. “What the fuck is she playing at?”

“It’s her strategy. To constantly keep you on edge. Drawing it out. It’s how narcissistic people work, unfortunately.”

I’m agitated and annoyed. “Any updates on Coyote Run?”

“Yes. As far as I’m concerned it’s off the table like we expected,” she says. “They know they’re backed into a corner, Gray. I strongly recommend having your attorney present if you decide to have dinner with that woman.”

My eyes open. “Is that my lawyer talking, or my girlfriend?”


“Keira won’t stop until she gets her own way. This is what she does.”

“I’m sorry. She’s adamant about talking to you, and with the current predicament and all the other stunts she’s pulled, I wouldn’t put it past her to try something she can use against you.”

Of course, I know how true those words are. It’s her entire MO.

“What can she possibly do that she hasn’t done already?” I say angrily, balling my fists up. “She accused me of assault. She fucked the company accountant in our home, and God knows who else. At every turn, she continues to lie and shows no signs of stopping. She wants to drag this out to the bitter end, so she has the final say. Wasn’t screwing me into the ground enough? When will it be enough?”

Silence falls between us and I know I’m losing my cool.

“Which is why I strongly advise, as your attorney, that we say no,” Hartley says, her voice eerily calm. “Her strategy is to rile you, and I can see it’s clearly working.”

“And if I refuse, then what?” I stand and pace. “She wins and comes back with something else? This will never fucking end.”

“Gray, just hear me out.”

“I’m done with her. Why can’t she simply accept what’s fair and get the fuck out of my life?”

“Because that’s not how it works. She’s mad that you wouldn’t forgive her. She clearly wanted you to and hasn’t gotten over you, Gray. I’ve seen it happen many times before. So they go for the jugular,” she says. “Hitting you where it hurts. You’re not the one who cheated or lied, and her guilt could be the cause. Or maybe she’s just out to win you back in some sick, twisted kind of way. I’ve seen it done before.”
