Page 127 of Grayson & Hartley

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“I’m fine.” I kiss the top of her head.

“I was calling out,” Gabe says as the medic rolls out a stretcher and I place Hartley on it. “I couldn’t get in.”

“You saved our lives,” I tell him.

“I saw the smoke from my place, and when you didn’t pick up the phone, I raced over. Trin is thankfully with Mom and Dad, having a sleepover.”

“My phone was on silent,” I admit. “I had a meeting with Keira tonight…”


Was she involved in this? I know we left nothing turned on, and the electrical wiring is up to date, but this still seems strange.

Would she honestly do something this low? Try to kill us?

“Fuck. I’m taking it that it didn’t go so well.”

I shake my head.

“Mom and Dad had cameras installed at the gate, so whoever it was will be recorded.”

I glance at him. “You think this was deliberate?”

“Don’t you?”

I watch as the EMT treats Hartley and then approaches me, wanting to do a checkup, too.

“The main thing is you’re okay. Fuck, Gray. I didn’t know what we were gonna find there for a second,” Brooklyn says. “And you need to get looked over, now!”

For the first time in my life, sheer panic ran through me. The thought of losing Hartley. Of us not spending our lives together? It almost happened tonight.

“That was a close fucking call,” I say, wincing when I cough again.

“Go!” Gabe orders, leading me over to the EMT like a naughty child.

The concern on his face has me all choked up.

“I’m sorry,” I say. “For everything.”

“Don’t be. The last thing I need is you charred in a house fire, then having people say we were feuding, and I just happened to get here first.”

I laugh but instantly regret it. “You watch too many late night crime shows.”

He grips me on the shoulder. “Don’t ever fucking do that to me again.”

“I didn’t do anything. I fell asleep and woke up to my cabin on fire.”

He pulls me into a hug that knocks me off my feet. “I mean it. Scared the shit out of me.”

I see the sincerity in his eyes. “I’m sorry I was a dick. I never wanted to take over the distillery. In fact, I never have. I’m happy taking a backseat. I came home to build my house and start again. God willing a family, too.”

“I guess we both have to learn how to co-exist and be more patient with one another.”

“You? Patient?” I snort. “This I’ve gotta see.”

He rolls his eyes. “I meant you, obviously.”

“Why don’t you both shut your flappin’ gums and let Gray get checked out,” Brooklyn says, coming up behind me.
