Page 34 of Grayson & Hartley

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“Don’t fucking throw that in my face. I’ve never been unfaithful, K. So the joke is on you.”

“I love you, Gray. Despite what you think.”

“Didn’t look that way humping fuck face on that Chesterfield I paid a bomb for.”

“I’m sorry you found out like this,” she says. “I didn’t mean to hurt you…”

I finally look at her. I haven’t been able to meet her eyes until now.

It appears there may be some regret there in her eyes, at least that’s something. But what we had is finito from this point on.

“Is this the first time?” I ask her.

“Gray, don’t do this.”

“Fucking answer me!” I roar. “Is this the first time with him, or anyone else?”

She sighs deeply, folding her arms across her chest. “It happened once before with him, no one else.”

“Where?” And if she says in our bed, I’m going to flip the fuck out.

“At his office.”

I stare at her uncomprehendingly. The betrayal is too much. “Wow, so this wasn’t just the one time, you are actually having an affair with him!” Not that it matters now.

“I didn’t mean it to happen. He told me things I wanted to hear, Gray. Things that you’re too busy for.”

“Then why not tell me? I could’ve fixed it. When we are together, don’t I make you feel important?”

“Yes, but I need you more. I need your attention every day, Gray. Not just when it suits you.”

“All day, every day, Keira. No one can do that, nobody. How do I think I pay for all your designer shit and cosmetic fucking fillers?” They never interested me. Neither did her fake breasts she insisted on getting. Each to their own, but I liked her the way she was without any of that shit.

“I wanted to look good for you!” she insists. Frantic probably, that I’m going to pull the rug out from under her lavish lifestyle. I doubt it’s from thinking her marriage is in tatters.

“You already looked good. Or did until I saw you with your ass in the air in our living room.” I’m repulsed by it. I want to bleach my brain. The woman that stood before me and pledged in front of two hundred people and vowed to be there for me, through sickness and in health, for richer and poorer and all that shit. I’m pretty sure her vows didn’t contain getting bored and shacking up with the accountant behind my back repeatedly. Twice my ass. She’s a liar.

“He’s nothing to me,” she insists. “Nothing at all. I don’t even know why I went back for seconds. Like I said, it just happened…”

“The thrill of doing something behind my back, perhaps? Revenge?”

“No, Gray. That wasn’t it.”

I shake my head. “I can’t look at you, Keira. You make me sick.”

She reaches for me, but I pull away.

“It’s over.” I’m not even being hasty. This is the last straw. “Don’t touch me.”

“Over?” she cries.

What does she expect?

“Keira, don’t play me for a fool. If you wanted out, you just had to say.”

“I don’t want out, Gray. I love you!”

I laugh, and I know it’s a sinister noise she’s never heard before. “You have a funny way of showing it.”

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