Page 39 of Grayson & Hartley

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“Thanks, bro.” I smile. “It’s good to be back.” I think this is going to be a better homecoming than I first thought. Or maybe it’s just the fact I have Hartley’s number and the possibility of seeing her again is real. Even if she does live in Boston.

Either way, I’m glad to be home.



Okay, so I snuck back inside his suite before it closed and slipped my number in his wallet. I even put a cross next to my name.

I’m not even sure if that was a lame thing to do, but I hoped he liked the sentiment and didn’t think I invaded his privacy by opening his wallet. I’m curious about his reaction to my note and I wonder what he’s going to do once he finds it.

In the end, there was no way I could leave like that; no note, no number. I shudder at the thought.

Surely a girl can’t be shot down for putting herself out there, and the fact is, I did a whole lot more than put myself out there.

I knew slipping it in his wallet would be the best way for him to find it. That is, if he even wants my number. He kinda hinted that he did. And when he pulled me back into bed when I almost left the first time, it sealed the deal for me.

Naturally, I took one last look at his beautiful face before I left, and haven’t been able to stop thinking about him ever since. Darby has been bugging me nonstop about it because I had to spill the beans at some point. I couldn’t contain it. She was delighted, of course, and wanted all the gory details.

Re-telling the whole table mix up was very amusing, as was Gray’s knowing little smirk when we both realized we didn’t mind one bit.

“I still can’t believe you went to New York to see clients and ended up boning a gorgeous businessman!” she squeals, still reveling in it.

“I know, believe me, I keep pinching myself.”

“I can’t believe he had you pinned against the wall, giving it to you before you even got in the door! That’s so hot,” Darby goes on.

My cheeks turn pink thinking back to all the moments when his muscular body held me close, and he had his hands all over me. “Maybe I gave you too much info.” I shake my head with a laugh.

“No way, it could never be enough. I need all the deets.” Darby is busy like me and hasn’t found the right guy yet, either. Though she dates a lot and isn’t afraid of putting herself out there. “Are you going to see him again?”

“He sent me a text last night.”

She squeals. “And you’re just telling me this now?”

We’re over at her place having some takeout while I give her all the details.

“I was half asleep,” I admit. A smile touching my lips, thinking about it.


Hartley, I can’t even tell you how happy it made me to find your number the way I did. I thought you had run out on me. Thank you for an evening I’ll never forget

I read it out to Darby as she oohs and ahs, and of course I have to give her a rundown on what I replied with.


Hi Gray, I’m glad you found the note. I didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye, but I had an early morning flight and you looked so peaceful. I didn’t want to wake you.

Darby gives me a look. “Seriously?”

“You think that’s lame?”

“I think it’s lame you didn’t just wake up the cowboy and ride him one more time before you left!”

I facepalm myself. “I was late, Darbs! I nearly missed my flight because I was too busy staring at him.”

“Who cares! It would have been worth it. You could have caught the next one.” She points out.
