Page 48 of Grayson & Hartley

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I can’t help but smile. “You said a mouthful there.”

“He’s going to be okay. If there’s anyone who won’t let anything keep him down, it’s your father.”

I nod, trying my best not to feel like my whole world just fell apart. I hope there’s some good news when I get to the hospital.

“I’m sure I can help on some of his minor cases,” I say. “Until I get up to speed with everything.” Like work even matters right now when my dad is in the hospital. But throwing myself into my work is all I know. It’s what I’m good at. I was taught by the best, after all.

She looks at me gratefully, like I’m some kind of savior. “That would be awesome. He has an important client on Friday. Quite a nasty divorce. It’s getting that way on the ex-wife’s part, anyway. I’m sure you’ve seen it all before.”

“Unfortunately so,” I sigh. I can’t honestly say I’ve seen many amicable divorces in my time. I’m sure it happens somewhere. You just don’t hear about it often.

“I think he would want you to step in for that appointment with Regina. I don’t think he’d want to disappoint Mr. Bassett when they’re in the final stages of negotiation.”

Regina is one of dad’s associate lawyer’s that has been at the firm for about four years

I nod. “Whatever needs to be done,” I say. So much for easing into things—-but if it takes a load off my dad, and I can get up to speed quickly, then so be it.

We get to the hospital relatively fast. Dad’s driver parks and waits for us, with all my luggage in the back, and we quickly find the ward.

I rush to Linda, and she embraces me. “So glad you’re here, sweetheart,” she says, tears in her eyes. I pull back and I see the worry on her face. “So, it turns out your dad had angina… not a heart attack, they stopped it in time. He’s going to be fine.”

“Thank god!” I breathe a sigh of relief. “I’ve been so worried.” Tears spring in my eyes as I quickly brush them away. “Can we see him?”

She nods. “Yes, but he has to rest. He’ll tell you he’s fine and the doctors are miracle workers, but this was a huge warning, honey. I’m just so glad you’re here.”

I hug her again as we make our way to his room.

Dad is sitting up, propped up against a pillow, when we walk in.

“Dad!” I rush over as he smiles, embracing me.

“Hartley.” His voice is hoarse.

“Jim, be careful!” Linda shrieks.

“I’m hugging my daughter, woman.” He rolls his eyes at me.

I give him a tentative squeeze. “How are you feeling, dad? I was so worried.”

Dad pats his chest with his hand. He looks tired. “The old ticker is still going, so it can’t be that bad.”

“Jim!” Linda shakes her head. She looks stricken. She adores my dad, and it makes my heart constrict.

“Linda said you were having some tests, and then this happened?” I perch on the end of the bed, watching him like a hawk.

“I had a minor twinge a few days ago, while I was out walking Barney.”

He’s talking about their adorable chocolate labradoodle.

“The doctor has told you repeatedly to take it easy. He won’t listen,” she says, looking at me. “Maybe now you’re here Hartley. He might take it a little more seriously.”

“I was walking the dog, Linda, not running a marathon. The doctor confirmed it was just a scare.”

“So the tests haven’t revealed anything else?” I ask, worried.

“No, the ECG confirmed angina,” Linda says. “The doctor has given him some medication.”

“Is Sammy outside?” Dad interrupts.

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