Page 6 of Grayson & Hartley

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“So, what do you think about my idea of us being open with one another? Two strangers being authentic, not trying to be people we’re not. Complete and utter honesty,” he says.

I look over at him, surprised. “I thought it was customary to always try to show a complete stranger your best side?” I muse. Not that he’s having any problem with that.

He chuckles darkly into his glass. “Maybe that’s true, but humor me. It’s been a big week.”

“Fine.” I nod. “We can be as candid as you like, but nothing too specific.”

“Why not?” His furrowed brow hints at a curiosity that makes me think he wants to know more about me, who I am, where I’m from, and where I’m going.

But tonight I don’t want to be too serious or let any burdening pressures get to me. I don’t need to be reminded of the fact I’m getting pressure from my father to help run his law practice, and that means relocating. My job in Boston is already stressful enough and now throwing a future move into the mix… it only leads me to believe that Gray could be the one to help me relax and have fun tonight….

“Isn’t it more fun that way?”

“Not if you leave here and I’ve no way of ever finding you again.” He tilts his head, sexily. I’ve noticed he hasn’t looked away from the table once since we sat down. I like the fact I’m his main focus.

“I bet you say that to all the girls.”

He sighs and shakes his head. “Actually, no. Sad but true.”

I stare at him like I heard wrong. “Are you sure you’re being candid now, Gray?”

He chuckles. “Recent divorce.” He holds up his left hand where there is a notable white ring mark and indent on his finger. “That will do it to you. You stop giving a fuck about what people think.”

My eyebrows raise in surprise. “How long ago?”

“Still going through it, though we haven’t been together for six months. I’m single by the way.”

Wow. I guess he wasn’t kidding when he said he wanted a candid conversation where you cut through the bull. So far, I’m liking it.

He doesn’t have a wife, or a girlfriend and he’s single. Tick, tick, tick.

I press my lips together, but I don’t tell him I’m an attorney. A very good one, thanks to my father. It’s the one thing we do see eye to eye on.

“I’m sorry to hear it.”

“Don’t be. She was banging her company’s accountant,” he tells me.

I try not to sputter while taking a sip, wondering if the champagne has already affected him.

I reach for my napkin and dab my mouth. “Holy cow, what?”

He shrugs. “This ain’t a pity party, honey. Just keeping it real. Isn’t that what we’re doing?”

I swallow again and watch the way his Adam’s apple bobs. Even him swallowing is sexy.

He doesn’t even have to try.

“Well, still. I’m sure finding out was surely no picnic,” I say, shocked. Who in their right mind would cheat on this magnificent specimen in front of me? I mean, he could be anything behind closed doors, but even so, nothing, in my opinion, deserves that kind of treatment.

“My family always said she was a gold digger,” he goes on. “I guess I found out the hard way.” He tilts his head on the side again, assessing my reaction as I sip more champagne.

Just as I do, our entrees are served. I thank Lyle and glance over at Gray as he untucks his cutlery from the cloth napkin.

“What’s your story?” he asks.

I glance at the salad and pick up my fork. “No story. Mostly years of study," I explain. It’s the brutal truth. “No ex-husbands, I’m afraid, no children or pets. Not even a goldfish. I’m also bad with houseplants, I can’t keep anything alive.” It’s sad but true.

His lips press together, fighting a smile. “No green thumb then?”

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