Page 70 of Grayson & Hartley

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My anger bubbles, and it takes everything to rein it in and not lose control. “And why do you think that is?”

“Because I fucked that idiot, Deacon? Oh, come on, Gray. Anyone can have a slip. I told you before you were a stallion in that department, but I was lonely and?—”

“I heard and saw enough when I caught you,” I interrupt. “A little more than a slip taking him back to our home, wouldn’t you say?”

“Thanks for bringing up all the gaudy details in the divorce papers, by the way. I think the Chesterfield could have been left out of it.”

I snort. I suppose I acted petty by adding to the settlement agreement that it should be burned.

“You made it that way when you took another man into our home behind my back. And now everyone knows what a cheating sack of silicone you really are. You’re going for the jugular now to save face. You can make out that I was the world’s worst husband all you want, but then again, you always lived for the drama, never for what was right in front of you. If gas lighting keeps you company at night, I pity the poor schmuck that comes along next.”

I can’t help but let it rip.

“You asshole!”

“I’m the asshole? What does it make you going after Coyote Run?”

She laughs haughtily. “Just checking all the facts, Gray. Making sure I get what I’m entitled to.”

“I’m sorry you had to endure the years being married to such a ‘stallion’. What a hardship that must’ve been for you.” And not for the first time, I’m believing this woman could have a screw loose.

“I miss the sex, if I’m being honest. Not that you were always available to give it to me.”

“You’re disgusting,” I spit. “I wouldn’t touch you again if you were the last woman on earth. I’d rather stick a hot poker in my eye.” Vindictive fucking bitch!

I don’t care anymore if she’s recording.

“Ooh, tough words. You know I could just as easily see you in court, Gray.”

“Don’t threaten me, Keira. It will be the last thing you do.” My voice drops dangerously low. “If you think I was going to play fair before, you can kiss all of that goodbye. Look forward to my reply. Trust me, it’ll be worth the wait.” I laugh without humor, hanging up before she can get another word in. My hands are shaking.

We both know that it’ll cost a shitload, money she won’t want to lose if this goes to court. But frankly, I’m past the point of caring.

Then I realize I’m a fucking idiot for calling her or entertaining her bullshit. It’s exactly what she wanted, and will now use it against me for threatening her. I don’t care.

I was just so angry at what she tried to do; knowing she couldn’t get anything from the family business, but doing it anyway. My lawyers are probably going to be pissed that I called her.

Speaking of which… I'll need to come clean with Hartley when we see each other later today.

I start up my truck, which arrived from Nashville safe and sound, and take a drive to the outskirts of Stoney Creek so I can drive fast and clear my mind. It’s always peaceful when I get to the larger part of the creek where we used to skim stones and swim as kids. It always calms me when I’m out here. Being back on the property makes me feel extremely grounded. The smell of the country, the trees, the mountains. It grounds me like never before, a feeling I haven’t truly had in years. This is why I came back. For this. A slice of heaven in a chaotic world that often has no sacred places left to just be. Here I can think, and I can also punish myself some more for phoning that witch when I should’ve just left it alone...

I spend the afternoon trying to forget the events of today by making myself busy when I get back to the distillery. There’s always something to do. Familiarizing myself with the operations and meeting some of the staff I don’t know very well is a good start.

My anger has subsided, thankfully.

I have been in and out of the family business over the past few months while I was in the process of moving. Georgia and Celeste are both collaborating on the new design of the Bassett Brothers logo for the staff uniforms and asked me to take a look over things.

Celeste has been here a couple of months now, and from what Callan said the other day, they sure appear to be loved up again like they were when we were kids.

“How did things go today in town?” Georgia asks me when we’re all peering over her computer screen at the images to go on the new shirts.

Celeste created our new iconic bull head logo, inspired by our history of running bulls on our property back in the day. She’s just changed it a little, tweaked the font and designed some summer and winter uniforms we are going to have the logo directly printed on.

“Not as good as I anticipated.” I sigh. “But it will only depress me if I go into it anymore today.” I’ve almost forgotten about making that phone call I made to Keira. Almost.

Resisting the urge to have a stiff drink, I threw myself into work all afternoon instead.

Georgia gives me a sympathetic smile. I know she cares about me, but I don’t want her worrying.
