Page 73 of Grayson & Hartley

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I can’t believe this is my new reality.

When he strides over, I can only watch him in awe. And maybe a little sigh escapes my mouth before he gets to me. He moves well for a tall guy, and I’m reminded once again how incredibly sexy he is. But now I have a slight dilemma; how am I supposed to concentrate on my job and do this?

This is bad. Really bad. I need an emergency summit with Darby pronto.

I know she’ll be out of her waxing appointment by now, and probably chomping at the bit to hear about my news.

I mean, if we continue, there is a risk of me being disbarred. I won’t be able to see him outside of work. Not only could some argue that it's unethical, but it could also be seen as a conflict of interest.

But nothing’s happening… or so I tell myself.

The thought of keeping my hands off him, even briefly, doesn’t sit well with me. I know I want to touch him. I want him again in every single way. But now it seems like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I’ve never done this kind of thing before, so I don’t know how best to navigate it.

I try to reassure myself it will be okay, and everything will work itself out. But I’m not even sure that’s possible.

“You look great,” he says, appraising me. I changed into a blue silky blouse with a cute bow, the same knee-length beige skirt I wore today, with a lace hem and heels. Technically, it's a business meeting, after all.

He’s wearing dark jeans and a charcoal gray button up. It’s the most casual I’ve seen him, and I like it.

“Thanks.” I smile, suddenly feeling a little nervous. “So do you.”

“Long time no see.” He smirks.

Good god, I could easily get lost in his mouth, especially because I know what he can do with it…

“I still can’t believe all of this,” I say, leaning my elbows on the table.

“Me either.” He shakes his head as an older gentleman walks over to take our order.

“Grayson Bassett, the rumors are true.” He smiles, shaking Gray’s hand and giving me a wink.

“What rumors are they, Uncle Mike?” Gray smiles, the corners of his eyes wrinkling warmly.

“That you're back in town to lead the flock at the distillery.”

“It’s early days yet,” Gray says as Mike turns to me. “This is the lovely Hartley Chambers, Jim’s daughter from Boston. Hartley, meet Uncle Mike, the owner of this establishment along with Aunt May over there.” He nods his head over to the front counter, where a lady waves at us. I wave back.

It feels like the entire diner is watching us.

“It’s lovely to meet you,” Mike says, shaking my hand with a smile. “So, you’re taking over Grayson’s divorce since Jim’s been out of action?”

Good news travels fast.

“It seems that way,” I say, brightly.

“Give our regards to your father, please. He’s a wonderful asset to this town. We were all worried to hear about his recent scare.”

A lump forms in my throat. “Thank you, that’s very kind. I will pass that on.”

“So how are you liking our little Stoney Creek?” he goes on. “It must be a far cry from Boston?”

So, the townsfolk know everything?

Should I wave a white flag and surrender now? They probably have spies everywhere in this town. And here I was thinking nothing exciting would ever happen here.

“It’s much quieter,” I say with a smile. “Definitely a slower pace, which I like. I used to holiday near Nashville when I was a child. I’ve always loved Tennessee.”
