Page 63 of Love You Anyway

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“I guess…I worry that you might be bored.”

He leans away, eyes blinking with incomprehension. “Bored?”

A big part of me regrets opening a can of worms that should probably remain tightly shut, but something makes me feel like I can trust him to understand this part of me.

“You’re obviously brilliant. I saw where you work, and it’s not like you’re playing with LEGOs there.”

“No. Although that would be fun.” He’s still blinking at me, confused.

I take a cleansing breath and tell him the rest. “I know I’m not a genius. I’m just…normal. So I hate to think that you’re having to dumb down your thoughts or conversations to suit me.”

He frowns, and I’m desperate to erase the lines around his mouth and eyes. He looks more hurt than upset, and that bothers me even more. “How could you possibly think that?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. It’s just that I really like hanging out with you, and I want to make sure you’re stimulated enough.”

His eyebrows bounce. “Oh, I’m plenty stimulated with you.”

I roll my eyes at the double entendre and give him a playful punch in the arm. “Not what I meant.”

“I know, but I can’t allow you to think that I’m anything but stimulated—in every possible way—when I’m with you. The crazy whip-smart thoughts in your brain, your sassy sense of humor, your fierce competitiveness…” He leans closer and kisses a trail up my neck. Then he whispers in my ear, “Your incrediblyhot, sexy, very stimulating body…I’d take you right here if I could…”

A chill shudders through my body, ending at my core. Electricity hums in my veins. I want this man more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.

I’ve never been one for public displays of affection, but I’d let Colin lay me on the floor of the restaurant and have his way with me right now.

“C’mere.” His voice is gravel under metal gears, and I think he wants me to move closer to him. But he’s on his feet, hand extended.

I look at him warily. “Where?”

“Just come.”

His fingers are warm honey wrapped around mine, heating my bones as he leads me through the restaurant. Sneaking a look at his face, I find him resolute, jaw hardened, a muscle ticking in his cheek. He grips my hand like a lifeline.

Weaving between tables, Colin says nothing, but I get the sense he knows exactly where he’s taking me. We haven’t paid the bill, but I assume that somehow he has that covered if he intends for us to leave right now in the helicopter.

But then he slows, carefully guiding me past the restaurant kitchen where a couple of chefs look up and acknowledge him with a tip of their heads. “You know them? I’m impressed.”

Turning his face to the floor, Colin looks sheepish. “I invested in the restaurant, actually.”

“Oh. Cool. Nice that they let investors get to know the chefs.”

We move quickly past the open kitchen and down a darker hallway. “Something like that,” he mumbles. Before I can ask him to elaborate, Colin shoves his hand into his pocket and fishes out a key. He uses it to open the lock on a door with a plaque that reads “Office.” He pushes the door open and backs through it, pulling me with him.

“Do they give all the investors keys?” Maybe it’s the wine we’ve been drinking, but my brain is slow to figure out why Colin suddenly seems like he owns the place.

“I own the place.”


I don’t have a chance to ask anything more because Colin lets the door slam shut, leaving us in near darkness. The only light seeps under the door through a wide crack, casting shadows around the room. I can see a desk with a chair behind it and a bookshelf, but the rest of my assessment is cut short when Colin’s lips crash onto mine.

Gone are the light touches and gentle hints of affection he showed me at our table. Everything now is want and need and desire.

His mouth devours mine with intensity. The hungry gaze is the one he reserves for the chessboard.

I return his passion in equal measure. Tongues tangling. Bodies pressed hard until there’s no space between us.

Walking me backward, Colin puts his hand flat on my back and lowers me to the empty surface of the desk, his mouth pulling away from mine long enough for him to see what he’s doing.
