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Under the cloak of night, I prowl through the dense woods of Heartwood Forest, my senses heightened in my lupine form.

The moon, a mystic orb in the starless sky, casts a ghostly glow over the forest, illuminating my path. This is my territory, a sanctuary I guard with fierce solitude, and a path I’ve tread many times.

The nocturnal symphony of crickets and rustling leaves is a familiar lullaby, but tonight, it is interrupted by a faint, out-of-place sound—a whimper of distress.

I pause, my ears twitching, nostrils flaring. The scent of blood, intermingled with the earthy aroma of the forest, hits me.

My instincts surge and instead of my usual reaction to the scent of a kill, a protective force awakens within my chest.

Must protect, must find.

With silent, measured steps, I move toward the source of the sound, my eyes piercing through the darkness.

Emerging into a small clearing, my heart pounds at the sight before me.

A young woman lies crumpled on the ground, her leg ensnared in a brutal trap—a sinister sign of the poachers who dare encroach on my territory.

Moonlight spills over her, highlighting her delicate features, the curves of her body, and the wild disarray of her chestnut hair. Despite her obvious pain and unconscious state, there is an undeniable strength in her face.

I approach cautiously, a whirlwind of emotions raging within me. Her scent is intoxicating, unlike anything I have encountered—a mix of wildflowers and something else, something ineffably unique.

As I near, a profound, unexplainable connection strikes me.

She is the one, my mate. Mine.

And my beautiful, little mate, is caught like a rabbit in a trap.

The poachers who are constantly a threat, illegally hunting on my land, hurt my mate.

A low whine rumbles in my chest. Nosing her side, she stirs, letting out a soft exhale that sends heat through my wolf.

Claim, claim mate.

But no. My little bunny does not need claiming. She needs help. I examine her injury, nostrils flaring as I breathe in the harsh copper of her blood. The trap is barbaric, its teeth sunk deep into her flesh. There’s blood, but not an overwhelming amount. She must have fallen unconscious from the shock of it.

My eyes take in every detail—the soil-stained gloves on her hands, the botanical book peeping from her spilled backpack, and her pouch of herbs. I nose the pouch, before sneezing from the overwhelming scent of bloodroot and wild ginger.

She's a lover of the forest, just like me. A surge of kinship overtakes me.

There is no question in my mind about leaving this clearing without her. The thought of abandoning her, my mate, is unbearable. I can't ignore the bond that pulses between us, as tangible as the cool night air. She’s mine to protect, and protect her I will.

With a determined breath, I feel the transformation begin. My bones shift and contort, aching with the familiar pain of changing form. Fur recedes into my skin, replaced by the vulnerability of human flesh. Standing on two legs, I shake off the last remnants of my animal guise. The chilly night breeze cools my now-human form. Is my mate cold too?

I can only hope she doesn’t wake. I don’t wish to scare her with this naked, human form.

Gently, I deactivate the trap, wincing as I witness her pain even in unconsciousness. Her lips part, a little cry leaving her that makes my chest ache.

With a resolve that surprises even me, I carefully lift her into my arms. She is light, yet the weight of the responsibility I now feel is immense.

I glance at the sky, the moon a silent witness to my decision. I have to protect her, keep her safe.

I will protect her.

As I carry her through the woods, a part of me wonders about the world I am leaving behind and the new one I am stepping into. My cabin, once a solitary refuge, will now be a sanctuary for two. Every step towards it is a step into the unknown, but I am determined to keep her safe, to keep her close.
